Friday, September 9, 2011

Hormones, is it?

I just wanna say that I appreciates every food in the world. They make me happy. And fat. 

Tibatiba? September. Idk what's wrong with this month. Like every year, this month would be my craving month. Is it because of hormones? I mean, I wanna eat, a lot. I asks weird questions about guys, a lot. This month is the month that I am surrounded by many information. TOO many I guess! Sometimes, I can easily be emotional. Sometimes, I'm hyper, I cleaned the house! Or sometimes, I get bored, I acted weird and asks a lot of questions till people get annoyed.

Actually, I just wanna post food that I'm craving for so here it is!
Meatballs, steak, pasta, Su Azah's mee belacan and spaghetti, cupcakes, my own made cookies, ice cream goreng, korean food, creampuff, brownies, lamb, dominos, lasagna, chicken wings, ketupat okay can I say I want everything that goes through my mind?

Thank you :3