Monday, January 31, 2011


Yesterday, may be our last day of hangout together for now, but I promise there'll be more in the future. Guys, although you're moving out, please don't forget bout me and don't EVER replace us. Remember, I will always love you guys like hell. 
This is what we call FRIENDS :)
-31st Jan 2010

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mama said ,

Who is your best shopping partner? Not your friend, not your dad, but your mother. Okay, some of you might disagree but I'm sticking with my own opinion. Why you ask? Idk. Maybe it because most of the time, we have the same taste, agree-ing on each other's choices and ofcourse, my mum would pay for every dress I picked :D

For me and my mum, window-shopping means :
Shop under RM5000 and on a sale store ONLY. 

Meanwhile, proper shopping means :
Shop above RM5000 on any store that we want. 

P.S : GUYS, *ehemm, Jojo :D* be prepare. 
Because after all the girls that read this, 
you might need to save your money. 
Just an early advice for you. 
And you're welcome! HAHA

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


bosan nak mati. the end.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Ni den nak share something ni. Phone den banyak dok terima notifications dari Facebook. Apadahal? Orang add den. Ni den nak bising ni. Sakit mata memandang. Okay stop with the bahasa apa tah tu. *Tiba tiba mengidam KFC*

Okay, to all facebookers yg add Najwa. Ya Ampun, stress nyaaa! Hari hari ada friend requests. But belum tentu lagi di approve. Nak tahu kenapa?

1. Gambar
Hey korang ni tak reti nak letak gambar elok elok ka? Buat apa nak letak gambar Justin Bieber as your profile picture? Ingat Najwa bodoh sangat ke nak percaya tu acc Bieber? Lagi satu, gambar cartoons. Kira comel lah letak gambar cartoons? Haaa ni lagi satu ni, gambar yg lucah. *yg tunjuk middle finger tu lahh* Lagi lah kena deny terus weh! Bagus sangat ke letak gambar macam tu? Sakit mata memandang!

2. Nama
"Hazwan Rockerzzzz! Lilly Sweetgurlzzz. Myra Notyy. Ajim Rewmpitz." and macam macam lagi. Kepala HOTAK korang Najwa nak approve budak budak macam ni. Parents korang dah bagi nama elok elok, korang nak letak nama macam ni jugak? Walaupun Najwa kenal korang, tapi ya ampunn! Tak mengaku kawan lah wehh! -__-

3. Info
"Hi name akuw tutttttt. Akuw skew ini itu. Akuw blablabla". Haaa, ni lagi satu ni. Bahasa Malaysia korang belajar berapa tahun dah? Korang cuba sebut perkataan tu betul betul. Sayang jadi Cayunk. Geramnya! Bukannya dapat apaapa faedah pun. Konon HOWTSZZZ lah tulis macam tu?! Tahu tak, it took me almost half an hour to read. Vengong.

Conclusion : Any of you intend to add me, check your freaking Display Name, Profile Picture and the way you type. If you got one of these fact that annoyed me, takpayah lah add ye? Tunggu lah 10tahun, takkan approve punya. Buat stress je. Compris?

I wish I could swear

Dude, form 4 is killing me slowly. But I'm trying my best to maintain my life. But lately, I'm like sooooo not in the mood. Lately, I dont even want to talk with anyone actually. I dont know why. Its sucks because I prefer being alone, listening to music. School? Hmmm, no comment.

 Okay, homeworks, done. Chores, done. Take a shower, done. OMAIGOD WHAT IS THIS?!

So, as I was looking at the mirror this morning, I look the same except getting darker and there's one thing that suddenly live on my face. I just found out that I have this one fugly pimple! Aaaaaahhh! I cant focus on anything except for that stupid pimple. F you pimple. *Language Najwa*

Its not cool to have pimple. While the teacher was talking at the front, all I heard is "Physics, blablablablablabla." And for the next 1 hour "Chemistry, blablablablabla." And the next 1 hour "Bio blablablablabla." I mean c'mon mann! I got this pimple and I cant even hear what's my teacher blaberring about! Its really annoying! Damn you pimple! *Ehem, language Najwa.* -_-

I really really really desperately wanna get rid of this thing from my face but aarghh! Its really complicated.

Maaa, I need your help :'(

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Will be back someday

I'm gonna miss you bloggie. I'm very busy with my homeworks :'( 
Will update whenever I got the chance!
Love - najwanajhan

Kuching? Rinduuu!

I miss Kuching so much. I really really looking forward to go back to Kuching during holidays in March. Several reasons which is really reasonable for me to go back to Kuching.

1. I miss the food.
2. I miss my nenek.
3. I miss my crazy cousins&friends.
4. Okay, I'm not gonna lie. I miss my boyfriend.
5. I need a peace of mind!
6. Blank dah.

Okay, not much. But its reasonable enough. I got 1 word that perfectly match for KL. BORING. Like seriously. I need some peace. *Although at Kuching, tak lah peace macam mana pun. Separuh mati menghadap budak kecik* But I can escape that, since I have someone new in my life. Heh heh :D

Point num 1, 2 and 3. Kuching is heaven. Thats the only thing that I'm gonna say for this.

Point num 4. I really miss that guy. I mean come on mann. Keluar je dari pintu rumah, bersepah couple sana sini. Not cool dude. Jangan kata depan rumah, kat sekolah lagi bersepah. My friends talks bout guys and I dont even have the mood to join them. Balik rumah, baru dapat contact. Tu pun through bbm or skype. Gahh! Stress. Like seriously, holidays in March pun baru 9hari. Belum tentu dapat spend everyday dgn dia. Yes Malaysia. I'm envy of every single couple out there being together.

Point num 5. Shut up. Form 4 drives me crazy. I need to rest. But I cant! Why? Balik sekolah, buat chores segala then tidur. Then the next day, THE SAME ROUTINE! Penat! T^T


Life in Form 4 is difficult. Walhal baru je sekolah 2 minggu. Seriously, penat. I miss holidays. I miss 2010. Ai don laikk yu tu tauzen ileven! I'm a bit scared though. 2 weeks in school, my class havent touch a page about History and Biology. Oh cikgu, mentangmentang kelas Diamond, ingat kteorg ni BAGUS sangat ke? -.- *menghina kelas sendiri*

Gladly to say, today is the first time I get to update my blog. Actually, I dont have a thing to share about. Because my life is a bit boring lately. All day, same daily routine. YAWN. Oh yeah, people keep asking "Tak mohon mana mana ke Najwa?" Actually, I did. Waiting for the results. Macam tak dapat. *Sigh* Whatever lah. I do looking forward to go to SBP or MRSM, but my heart berat sangat nak tinggalkan KL. Heh heh. *Tapi, kalau tak dapat, mama nak buat rayuan. Please same school with Milla. Pleaseeee!*

Oh yeah, one of my friend, Natasya, moved out. To St.Mary. *Sigh* But Syairazi, moved in! *Welcome back twin!* Oh and also Amirul Ariff. Remember him? :) I miss Milla a lot :(

Saya rindu lepak dgn Haziq jugak! (Tibatiba?)

Monday, January 3, 2011


Sayang, I miss you :'( 


Life sometimes could be unfair. You just gotta live with it. Not satisfied? Your own problem. Talking bullshit behind people's back or say bad things where everyone can know just make things make more worse. It'll never solve your problem.