Thursday, June 30, 2011

Another sigh

Now, all I have to do is wait. *And waiting aint my biggest strength* 

I'm excited of the upcoming event. Certain people je tahu. But then when I call my peeps, they seems to have some problems and trust me, its like shit. No worries, I know it'll be better one day. Lately, I cant stop crying. I exploded twice in front of my teacher *and I might have slipped out couple of bad words* but I kept it too long in my heart! I need home doctor.

Weirdly, I'm craving for some steak and black pepper with mashed potatoes and french fries added up with mayo or just a simple Lai Chi Kang *or even a nice RM4.50 burger tepi jalan* but you'll never found it here at Pekan -.- Kempunan aku. Oh how I miss baking!

On the weekends, I imagine myself laying on the bed with my besties or maybe sitting at Starbucks and play some card games with my parents and sistah. Or bbm and skyping with Jojo at the same time. Or worst come to worst, sitting in front of the big screen, watching Harry Potter's marathon! How happy is that?! 

Sigh. As a conclusion, nothing at here will make me stay. Someday I'll make my move and I'm just waiting for that day. I miss my old life. I miss the old me. I miss what I eat, where I sleep, what I do and dont, and most of all, I miss my parents very very much. 

*I've been trying to contact Jojo.
Where is he? :(

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Tak sanggup

Pa, I'm really sorry. Tapi Najwa tak sanggup nak balik hostel. Seriously. I'm tortured. Papa sendiri cakap you will help me to overcome the situation kan? There's no other ways except leaving that horrible school. Please papa. Najwa tak tahan. Tolong lah faham. Najwa tak belajar SATU HAPAK pun kat sana. All I got is shitty torture. Semua benda takboleh. Semua benda takde. Semua benda haram. WTH? Paaaa, please papa. Najwa tak suka sekolah tu. I hate it there! I wanna have the old me.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I dont get it. How can they love SHAH so much?