Friday, January 21, 2011

Mama said ,

Who is your best shopping partner? Not your friend, not your dad, but your mother. Okay, some of you might disagree but I'm sticking with my own opinion. Why you ask? Idk. Maybe it because most of the time, we have the same taste, agree-ing on each other's choices and ofcourse, my mum would pay for every dress I picked :D

For me and my mum, window-shopping means :
Shop under RM5000 and on a sale store ONLY. 

Meanwhile, proper shopping means :
Shop above RM5000 on any store that we want. 

P.S : GUYS, *ehemm, Jojo :D* be prepare. 
Because after all the girls that read this, 
you might need to save your money. 
Just an early advice for you. 
And you're welcome! HAHA