Friday, November 19, 2010

Angan angan

Ceh buat penat je update blog pasal nak deactivate kan FB. *The boringness kills me slowly* Tapi results macam celaka. 3days after deactivate, activatekan balik. Tapikann, I activatekan balik FB ada reason. Tapi, buat apa nak bagitahu korg. HA HA! 

Life has been sucks lately. Here I got dua lelaki macam tutttt and seorang lelaki yg awww sweet habis habis lah! HAHA so macam, nak frust pun macam takde guna. Plus, Wan Ahmad Akmal Arif pernah cakap "You're still young." Act, I used to say that line to my friend but emm, yup. I never use my own advice. Macam bodoh plak -,-

Today, hehhh. I'm tired because ikut papa sana sini. But then balik, suddenly rasa lapar. So like yeahh, got some meat in the refrigerator and I added it with some ingredient that I just made it up on the spot. *Lupa dah apa ingredient dia* Dah campurcampur semuaa, then goreng it. At first I was a bit nervous because taktahu sedap ke tak, apa rasa semua. But after goreng it, I took a bite sikit and hey. Sedap wehh! Peeeewiitt pewwwiit! Not bad anak Najhan. HAHA! I was soo excited, sampai suruh papa rasa. *Ehem, papa puji* HAHA aww I like.

Oh yeah lately I got no ideas to write here at blog. Sorry bloggie :( 
Before I go, all I want to say is Jojo is cuteeee! And cute? HAHA 

But I'm much more cuter than him -,-