Tuesday, November 30, 2010


99.99% of the humans in this world judge people without any thinking. Most of it come from group of teenagers. It is kinda normal but is it necessary to hate someone after judging them?

Sometimes, I did like that too. But, nothing good happened. It all ended up with HATE. As an example, my dad's friend. I call him Pak Atan. He is not good looking. His skin is like full of white spot. It looks like ngeri nak mati macam boleh merebak but no. His job is cooking. Which is feeding other people including me. His cooking are aweeeesome! And he loves his children so much although they are soooooo damn annoying. Seriously, they are annoying -.-

Everyone in this world got their weirdness, weakness, semua yg ness ness lah. But they dont realize that the -ness is the thing that make them special. God is kind. Its the judging people make them feel like they are useless. Try to think bout it. But most of the people right now are covered with ego and blind. Too lazy to know people deep. That is why word CHANCE exist.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Shockingly wonderful :)

You guys are the best! For the first time in my whole life, yesterday, 28th Dec 2010, would be the day that Milla and Fiqri did not fight. HAHA I love you guys! 

Milla and Fiqri : FRIENEMY. They were forced to be great friends because of me. HAHA I do remember the last time we went Mid Valley. It was damn horrible because they fought like hell! Mencarut sana sini. Sikit lagi kena penampar dgn me. So yesterday, I was hoping my two dearest friends doesn't fight. Milla was already prepare to hear some critics from Fiqri but unfortunately, Fiqri was being nice?

Yesterday also, one of my shocking day because something happened. You see, my phone was in low bat. But I thought I told my dad that I'll come home late. As I arrived home, my dad was like angry at me but in the same time he hugged and kissed me? I did said to papa that I thought I told him. But he denied. So I was like "OKAY fine. I'm wrong. I'm always wrong and you're right." Then tibatiba keluar lagu Raise Your Glass by Pink which one part it said "So raise your glass if you are wrong!" -.- Shitt.

So yeahh, my parents were sooooo f*cking worried. Bukan my parents je, my cousins, my friends, everyone lah!Oh yeah, my mom almost call the police. AGAIN. As I charged my phone, shiooooo 15 missed calls? Gilaaa.   Jojo yg taktahu pape sangat pun boleh ter-worry jugak. Sorry all. I didnt mean to make you guys worried bout me. But at the end of the day, my parents were glad that I safely came home. Its kinda a lucky day for me I think?

Heh heh maybe its because of my new haircut? :D

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's Nature

Yesterday, I went Pav with my beloved Millatina. Its been a long time I havent spend time with her. Well usually we lepak ramairamai with her boyfriend and stuff. But yesterday, we planned like BFF day out. No boyfriend, no friends, no adik, no nothing. So I got 1 whole day with her. Awwww XD

At first, it was raining. But hell no the rain is going to stop us from spending time together! -_- Grrrr. But as we go out, the rain stop. Alhamdulillah. So, as we arrived at Pav, first thing I did was topup! I havent text Jojo since the morning. GAAHH! Then dah topup segala, Milla nak keluarkan duit. *Her mother gave her rm10 je* -_- But sokayy. Then terus pergi Nando's. Makaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!

Actually, we were suppose watch movies and stuff but tak sempat because I got that family thingie and Milla kena tolong mak dia with something so takdapat nak lamalama. So, our plan was suppose eat, window-shop and chow! So we went cotton-on.

Me : Hmmm, this is nice.
Milla : Yeah, jacket ni. Hmmm, cantik.

And we went the next store besides cotton-on. *Apatah, kedai baru.

PROMOTION! 1 item RM10!
Me : Murah and cantik. Hmmmm
Milla : Yeahh, skirt ni Najwa?
Me : Urmm, okaylah.

And Forever21 too.

Milla : Apa yg WOW! tu Najwa?
Me : Jum tengok.
Milla : Ohhh, murah -,-
Me : OMG, this purse. Milla! Kte dah taktahannn. Kte nak beli jugak! I dont caree!
Milla : NAJWAAAAAAA, janganlahh!
Me : HELL NO! I'm buying this!

So I cracked up first at Forever21. Bullshit -,- But its worth it. I mean, cantik whatt. Mama puji my purse. Then I buy a skirt at the new store too. Damn it. Milla is still good though. Sabar je.

And our last destination, DIVA.

Milla : Najwa, ni comel.
Me : *terpegun with this one owl necklace*
Milla : Najwaaaaa!
Me : Yes?
Milla : I'm buying this!

So, what I was trying to say since I typed this was : It's nature that girls love to shop. No matter how little their money are in their pocket, atleast mesti dapatkan something. So guys, be prepare. Kalau you guys date dgn gf korg, walaupun she ignore everything she see at the store, dalam hati dorg terseksa tau! *I know because I have a lot of experience* Sooo, janganlah kedekut dgn gf korg yeah? :D

Monday, November 22, 2010

Lukman Got His Wish

Ignore the "Tick tick" sound because I was IM-ing with Jojo. Heh heh.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Angan angan

Ceh buat penat je update blog pasal nak deactivate kan FB. *The boringness kills me slowly* Tapi results macam celaka. 3days after deactivate, activatekan balik. Tapikann, I activatekan balik FB ada reason. Tapi, buat apa nak bagitahu korg. HA HA! 

Life has been sucks lately. Here I got dua lelaki macam tutttt and seorang lelaki yg awww sweet habis habis lah! HAHA so macam, nak frust pun macam takde guna. Plus, Wan Ahmad Akmal Arif pernah cakap "You're still young." Act, I used to say that line to my friend but emm, yup. I never use my own advice. Macam bodoh plak -,-

Today, hehhh. I'm tired because ikut papa sana sini. But then balik, suddenly rasa lapar. So like yeahh, got some meat in the refrigerator and I added it with some ingredient that I just made it up on the spot. *Lupa dah apa ingredient dia* Dah campurcampur semuaa, then goreng it. At first I was a bit nervous because taktahu sedap ke tak, apa rasa semua. But after goreng it, I took a bite sikit and hey. Sedap wehh! Peeeewiitt pewwwiit! Not bad anak Najhan. HAHA! I was soo excited, sampai suruh papa rasa. *Ehem, papa puji* HAHA aww I like.

Oh yeah lately I got no ideas to write here at blog. Sorry bloggie :( 
Before I go, all I want to say is Jojo is cuteeee! And cute? HAHA 

But I'm much more cuter than him -,-

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha

Disebabkan saya tidak menggunakan FB untuk meng-wish, ada blog pun jadilah.

So. Saya Najwa Najhan, ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha kepada semua umat Islam yg dikasihi oleh Allah s.w.t. Sepanjang tempoh from raya Aidilfitri and raya Aidiladha ni, Najwa dah buat banyak dosa kat korg semua. Ye, Najwa mengaku Najwa pernah gelakkan kawan terjatuh, Najwa pernah TERtinggikan suara kat cikgucikgu and parents and banyak lagi. Oleh itu, Najwa nak mohon maaf dari hujung kepala hingga hujung kaki. *Eh kejap, raya Haji ni pun kita boleh saling memaafi kan? Confident betul aku. Papehal, it still got word RAYA*

Kepada lelakilelaki yg bakal mengikut ayah korg korban lembu esok, haaaa jangan mainmain dgn darah dia plak. Korg dah belajar cara menyembelih dgn betul kan? Haaa tengoktengok kan sikit cara ayahayah pakcikpakcik kat surau or masjid tu sembelih. Buktikan yg kita golongan remaja pun tahu cara sembelih.

Kepada perempuanperempuan plak, pakai baju kurung cantikcantik. HAR HARR sejuk hati bila abang and ayah tengok. XD

Monday, November 15, 2010

Byebye FB -,-

Hoyeah hoyeah, saya telah deactivatekan acc fb which means I'm not gonna sit infront of the laptop and online FB!

"Najwa, mana FB you?" "Najwa, why you delete FB you?" "Najwa, you taknak chat dgn I lagi ke?"
Soalansoalan yg famous. 

The reason I deactivate my FB is because, I dont want to watch some more drama. Plus, who cares? Bukannya ada yg akan tegur pun kan? Setakat "Najwaaaaa I miss you!" and "Najwaaa bila balik Kuching?" baik call je. Or even text, habis cerita :)

Everytime after I logged off FB, rasa macam nak maki hamun jerit pecahkan barang semua tau. But no one cares. Kesian aku :'( Btw Jojo, I failed! Gaaaaaaahhh, I should never stop texting you lah -,-

Monday, November 8, 2010

Apa status awak Najwa?

Waaaaaah sensitive betul dengan soalan macam tu -______-

Okay serious. Lately, makin ramai peminat peminat sayaaa *ehem* menanyakan status Najwa. Gahhh stress menjawab. Yesterday, I went to Milla's house. Sajasaja lepak before pergi camping. So, I took a taxi *like always* then when the taxi stop, I'll say "Batu Muda please." Yg sensitivenyaa, pakcik tu tibatiba tanya,

Pakcik : Pergi Batu Muda buat apa? Jumpa pakwe?
*Waaaaaaaah, stress betul aku dengar soalan tu! So Najwa pun cepatcepatlah jawab
Najwa : Oh pakcik buat lawak ke? Takdelah, saya mana ada pakwe.
Pakcik : Eish, tipulah. Takkanlah perempuan cantik macam adik takde pakwe.
Najwa : *Gelak sebab dia cakap CANTIK*
Pakcik : Kalau pakcik muda lagi, pakcik cemburu tau tengok perempuan macam adik ni ada pakwe.
Najwa : *Gelak lagi tapi dalam hati : PAKCIK, saya takde bf! Lelaki tak berminat dgn perempuan macam sayaa!*

Ada lagi satu situation yg sensitive. Perbualan ni di antara saya dan junior saya.

Junior : Kak Najwa, nak tanya sikit boleh?
Najwa : Haaa whats up?
Junior : Kak Najwaa ni single ke?
Najwa : Erkk, yeah.
Junior : SERIOUS? Okay. Tapikan, peliklah.
Najwa : Pelik sangat ke? -______-
Junior : Takdelah, tapi. Kakak ni hot lah!
Najwa : *Gelak & kembang kempis sebab dia cakap HOT*

So, I, Najwa Najhan, proudly to announce that I am SINGLE!

Now you know. Guys are not interested with a girl like me anymore. So yeahhh. Saya tak hot macam awak! Ye, awak yg tengah baca post ni. Najwa tahu awak hot orangnya. Takperlu nak elakkannya -_-

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Air Sejuk

Saya benci mandi air sejuk -,-

I usually hear that people love to take a bath with cold water. I know sometimes it would be refreshing tapi, kau tak bersin or sakit ke lepas mandi air sejuk pagipagi buta? And tebalnya lapisan epidermis and dermis kau sampai suka sangat mandi air sejuk!  Thats my problem. I'm soooooo thin, everytime I take a shower with cold water, I'll sneeze to hell almost the whole day. *Even though the thin of the skin maybe not related to any fact that I said* BUT STILL! -,-

Usually if I take a shower with hot water, it might be taking 20-30 mins. *Menikmati* But if its with cold water, it'll be 40-50 mins. Why you ask? Because everytime the water touch my skin, I jump like a monkey then I'll scream. *Terseksa*

So, the last 4days, I went to Johor, my hometown. Visited my grandparents, *Alhamdulillah, mereka sihat lagi* and I have to take a bath with very extremely cold water -,- First rule in the house, never wake up late. When I say LATE, 8am is already TOO late. So people rise on 6 or maybe 5am every day. When people wake up that early, people must take a bath that early too. And I've been sneezing terribly almost everyday.

So every morning, I'll fake a smile that says : OMAGOSH, I cant wait to take a bath.
Which actually means : Oh damn it. Cold bath in the cold morning? NOOOOOO!
And everytime after taking a bath, I'll fake a smile that says : That was a great bath! I wish I could bath the whole day!
Which actually means : OH SHIT OH SHIT, it's sooooo damn f*cking cold. OH SHIT!

So thats my story.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

You're just a one in a million to me.
Now, I'm afraid.

*Senyum dalam hati maki.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Something new

Pick a number. Double it. Add 10. Divide it by 2. Then minus it by the number you first thinking of. It'll always be 5! x)

I Wuf My Friends ;)

One thing for sure that I learnt from Cahaya Ummi is : Friendship Never Ends

Yeah, thank you Ummi. Without friends, gilalah kita kan? I mean, I'm no Isabella Swan from Twilight. Heee :) Friends, is a great thing in life. Some of you guys mesti sanggup buat apa je for friends kan? Kalau ada yg merajuk, kalau boleh, sedaya upaya nak pujuk. Gelak ketawa. Buat lawak bodoh yg sometimes tak jadi. Share some new information bout studies and stuff.

Best friends pulak, heee. It's much more than friends. We share everything together. Secrets, benda yg memalukan, problems and much much more. Like me, I got Milla. My mother, she got Aunty Nicole. A great sister, best friend and also cousin-in-law. Haaa amek kau. Friend since U till now. They are now in my mom's room, laughing, as I'm typing this. Jealous sangat. HAHA

Kawankawan Batu Muda, Najwa rindu korg. Najwa rindu Milla. Najwa rindu Haziq. Najwa rindu Aliah. Najwa rindu Liza. Ehem, Hakimi pun rindu jugaa. Alyaa & Yana. Heee. Semualah rindu. Bila nak hangout lagi ni? HAHA

Kawan sekolahhhh, haha! Ikhda jangan marah kalau Najwa tak datang sekolah lagi. Asya, hehehe. Adalah. Hidayah, Syaqirah, Azie, Fatin, Nor. Gang gang Poker. PRS (>,<) HAHA! Oh tak lupa jugak kat Fiquwie and Fiqa tersayaaaang. Yg tu lagi rindu. Naik gila tak jumpa si Cik Fiqa Yazid ni -___- Nyways, I'm gonna miss my friends. Berkemungkinan harini last sekolah. Oh sedihnyaa.

*Najwa rindu semua, sorry kalau yg takde nama. Kalau nak dilistkan, HAISH. Ramai!