Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mamaaaa , ILY

Last week , as I remember lah. Me and my family went shopping , weirdly. HAHA , and guess what? Me , my mom and my sis went to Pav by public transport. O.O

The reason we get there by public transport is because :
1. Mama malas nak drive
2. Papa is waiting there with his car
3. Mama wants to save the earth
4. Mama said less polution

As we arrived there , the three of us was starving as hell. At first , we thought at Lot10 ada makanan bestbest. But instead of eating heavy food , we saw this one YUMMY ice cream stall. So we ate that. It was in one BIG BOWL and it only cost RM9. Murahh what :)

Then , we went to Pav. Finally , we ate real food. Nando's. HAHA , mama terpaksa jumpa kawan dia outside Pav because ada something apa benda tah. Pity her , she even didnt touch her food. Then , me and my sis ate our food sampai habis. Then , we wait and wait for mama to arrive.

Boring dah tunggu mama , then me and my sis buat kerja bodoh. Kteorang pergi letak black pepper banyakbanyak kat mama's food. HAHA then kteorang rasa. Sumpah pedas gilaaa! Ingatkan nak letak salt kat air dia , but suddenly , she's arrived.

Then , boleh slamber dia makan. Relax jea. HAHA , then kteorang terjumpa papa. And started to shop. Shockingly , kteorg spent RM600++ just in one store. I love you maaa! Then , after shopping , we ate at Esprit.

Actually , there's much more weird and fun things we did on that day. But I've got to go. Tuition starts like 1 more hour and I'm not prepare anything. Sooo , tata ! And noww , I love GLEE!