Sunday, October 23, 2011


Most of the time I'm random. I do random stuff every day. *Except for my daily routine which is kinda sad because it kinda shows that I'm lonely* But I realized I did one thing just the same since I was a kid till I'm 16 years old girl and 17 to be.


Okay everyone cry, I know that. Weird huh for me to bring this up? Its actually the way I cry. I can laugh randomly. I dance randomly. I cook, takpayah cakap lah. Macammacam terjadi. But when I cry, I can only do one thing : cry under the table. 

When I was a kid, its hard for the adults pujuk me because I cry under the table. Its hard for them to get me out from there because I'm small and I keep going in the middle of the table just so that they couldn't reach me.

When I was in standard, Kak Munah *my former maid* used to call my dad at work just because she begged my dad to pujuk me to get out from the table because I might be late for school. But my dad succeed -,- He promised that he'll pick me up and buy me ice cream.

In high school, I cried under my school table. First, its because I got a D for Science. Next, stomachache. Lastly, dealing break up. Lately, my dining table is also a good helper because I lay under there and just cry my heart out until I fall asleep. And until now, I still dont understand why crying under the table is my main attitude.