When I say I have sunburn on me, I didnt mean by the ordinary sunburn that'll fade away 3days after. I am literally dark like Nando's chicken after they cooked it! Ughh. #@!$%&* Okay, last week I went to this camping where I go as a urusetia. I thought I'll be happily away from school, relax at the room and just prepare the food for the students. But then I have to follow EVERY SINGLE ACTIVITIES that they attended which is shitttttaaayyyy because mostly its outdoor and its freaking hot! No trees at all! Muttaaaa.
Then the next day, I have swimming class which I MUST attend because my dad paid for it so wasting is a bad. HAHA. Its was fun, I'm definitely not gonna lie bout that. But then, I realized that my sunburn is more worst than ever! But the good news is, I jumped from the plank thingie. Yerrrrr haha! 7feet okayyyy! Tinggi nak mampus! *And I saw some guys checking on me. Dude! Takennnnn!* I think thats it! So I'm dark, I look like an Indon and I going home next week! <3