Tuesday, December 1, 2009


HELLO , i hate holidays without money. Thank you. :)

Ok ok , I ADMIT! I love money. I'm a money maniac. I would kill myself to get money. And guess what ? I've been starving for like a few days to save my money. But end up by spending it. It's worth it. HAHA , sale ohh sale! You're killing me okay?!

This is why I hate holidays :

On holidays , family should be on holiday lahh ofcourse! We should travel anywhere. But not my family. Its been 2 years dah kteorang tak travel. Fuck kott. Kerjakerjakerja. Bila nak habis? And my sis plak belajarbelajarbelajar. Grrrrrr , tinggallah me , myself and I sorgsorg kat rumah. Best kan?

Ok , since I'm the only one stuck in the house. My mom gave me some works. Gahhhh! Cleaning the house including lipat baju and stuff and she'll pay me RM500. Boleh lahh. So I accept! But still , I'm tired as hell. Boring. Feels like grounded.

I hate online actually. But its also my fault because not having something to do. So I HAVE to online. When I online , especially myspace. All I do is approve the comments and friend request. I really hate when people ask like "Hye , boleh berkenalan?" or "You stay mana?" Kalau bagitahu bukannya tahu pun. And I really hate kalau baru kenal like 10 minutes and suddenly "You , nak num you boleh?" Fuck you! Ingat senangsenang ke nak bagi num kat stranger?

Ok , I'm already out from the title. Sooo , kesimpulan. I NEED MONEY FOR SHOPPING. Tak fahamfaham lagi ke? =.="