Sunday, June 20, 2010

School Is Back!

Aiya, school. Not a great word to be remind of. So lazy lah! I can't find my other tali kasut. Semua hilang! Can't I have home school? So I don't need the uniform, the tali kasut, the school bag, and most of all, the jalan kaki. -.-

Although I miss my classmate. But I'm sure by tomorrow, I'll be screaming and yelling in the classroom because I can sense the annoying-ness in the class. But firstly, remind me to wish my friends, Kam Cai Ting and Kamil a Happy Birthday. Feel so guilty for not wishing them. And I'm still envy of them for getting a great results, and I don't.

School, gonna meet the boring, annoying, perasan, syok sendiri teachers. Gahhh! Why? Why?! I don't want to wake up early. I don't want to iron my uniforms. I don't want to pack my bag. *Sigh* But I can't ignore those things.

Nyway, I found something but it's kinda blurry. *Kau ni Adzam, takpandai pakai camera lah!* But it's funny because we end up covered with flour all over our body and faces. HAHA good time. Good time.

We were Form 2. 2 Diamond. HAHA

I miss this moment. With Fiqri around me. Always there for me when I got problems. It's hard for me to find that kind of friend. But now, he's not with me. He's working his ass of at Banting to get 8A's. I miss you Fiqri. Goodluck buddy. :')

Well now, all I got to say is GOOD LUCK to all PMR Candidates. Let's force our ass and brain out and get that 8A's together! Forget bout hangouts, money, concerts, shopping, whatever lah! Like my mom would say :

"Work you ass out now, and when you got the good results, you can enjoy as hard as you can! It is even fun to enjoy yourselves if your bank account is full of money."

Friday, June 18, 2010

My Observation :)

Holidays. Well, I got one word for to describe it. SATISFIED.
But still, it didn't reach to AWESOME.

This holidays, there's a lot of thing that I've been through. Its not that it's not fun or what. It's just, not the kind I wanted. Most of the days, I've been moody, tearing low, boring, unsatisfied, and all the emotional thingie. And ofcourse, I can't get rid of that feelings.

Firstly, I didn't have the chance to meet two beloved friends. Nur Afiqah and Fiqri Syairazi. I felt like a jerk by not lepak-ing with them. Actually, three friends. Saiful Shukri. Aiyo, terrible mistakes. I also kinda miss Millatina. Its been kinda long time I haven't meet her.

Secondly, I got stress bout things happened around me. Some aren't satisfied bout me. Some hate me. And some, played my feelings. Which is the reasons I got bad results. I'm more stressful when I have to think bout my parent's reaction when they find out I flunked every subjects except for English.

Well now, I'm trying to get rid of those things that make these things existed. After PMR, I'll be running away from all of this. Don't bother to find me. Cuz I won't be there. I tried to be a great daughter, friends, sister and students. I guess, I'm not that great aren't I? :)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Oh My God

Have you heard Oh My God by Usher ft Will.I.Am? Haha i likeee. Ni khalisa and kelly lah ajar ni.

Okayy, actually I just woke up. And something I dreamed woke me up. I don't know its a bad dream or a good dream because I've not being myself these couple days. Bad mood all the time. And last night, I dreamed someone for the first time. What was that suppose to mean?

All these days, I tried to forget that 'someone'. Hmmm. If you guys read this then, you might think that I'm crazy. :'( sokayy then. I understand.

In that dream, I keep on saying the same sentences to that 'someone'. Then 'someone' replied with the words I want to hear. And always there for me. But people doesn't want me keep on hanging with that 'someone'. They said that 'someone' seems to be dangerous. Some said 'someone' even doesn't exist. But I don't care. A lot of things happened. I cant even describe it.

I will always remember this dream. Let it burn in my mind. Because I know, it will come once in a life time. :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Saya dengan kurang bangganya memaklumkan bahawa tinggal lagi 1 minggu untuk bercuti ye kawankawan? Kerja sekolah dah siap kawankawan? HAHA saya memang tak sedar diri sebab saya pun tak sentuh kerja sekolah. Nyway, this is not the purpose I want to post this blog.

Firstly, I'm FRRRREAKING bored. Secondly, I want to tell you guys what I did sepanjang cuti minggu pertama ni. Well, saya malas nak kecoh pasal Mentor tuuu. Shadap ye sesiapa yg tengok. Then, sepanjang hari Isnin sampai Jumaat saya try nak avoid ang ignore semua benda yg menyakitkan hati saya. Saya contact rakanrakan yg sekepala sahaja sebab saya Activ10 kan dorg and saya contact cousin saya yerr.

Since kejadian yg menyakitkan hati itu berlaku, saya macam SUSAH nak topup. Soooo, senang kata saya takde credit AND PLEASE STOP ACCUSING ME DOING SOMETHING STUPID WITH MY PREPAID OKAYYY? Teman rapat saya sekarang just tinggal Ollie sebab dia je yg sentiasa ada di rumah dgn saya. Then, peneman hidup saya sekarang bukan phone, tv atau laptop. Tapi buku Twilight Saga yg saya dah baca beribu kali. :)

Oleh itu, saya ingin memberitahu bahawa jangan kacau saya sepanjang cuti ini sebab saya taknak orang kacau saya. Okayy? Thank you.

P.S Minggu depan saya nak tidur rumah Khalisa lagi sebab being there is the only place that I can forget everything I've been through.