Thursday, May 6, 2010


Je suis mort :O

HELLO yellow mellow sorrow. (No motive)

Exam is near. My body is cover with fear. And I speaks clear. Danggg, whats up with me? I only get mee. But its not very yummy. -.- I cant stop. Especially when I mop. And I'll scream POP!

Okay shadapp Najwa. I'm a bit nervous with the up coming exam. *Excretion, Indeces, PMR* Gahhhh, I cant sit relax. Not even now. Sweating while singing Heal The World by Micheal Jackson. Not normal. And and, I even don't text people so much. Haaaaaa, what to do what to do?

I even read French more than BM. BM is soooooo clear. B for boring. M for Malas. Seeeee? Dear teachers, dont be shock because the prove is in front of your damn eyes!

Je déteste Bahasa Malaysia!
I need to be calm. I need chocolateeee! Au revoir!