Friday, September 28, 2012


Another year. Another new number for the age. Happy 17th Birthday to me. 
Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah. 
I love you Allah. 

Anyway, picture above shows a card handmade by my totally awesome friends and mostly from my classmates. Love them so much. The content, I'll keep it to myself. So far, the first person who wished me is my twinos Fiqri Syairazi! Yeayyy! The last person was my brother Iqseed. Revenge katanya, because I wished his lambat -.-

I got a lot of type of birthday wishes. Which kinda made me laugh and smile alone widely. First and foremost of course, from Facebook. Then, twitter. Some of  the text messages was also interesting. But cant beat my phone call. Some sang to me *in the most annoying tone* and some played piano and guitar. I'm touched :') Ohyeah, my first birthday present for today was an Al-Quran. TERHARU GILA WEH. No one has ever give stuff like that to me.

Conclusion, iHappy.