Ahhhh! Must force myself to read books. Must force myself to focus. Must force myself to accept that Eddy will be sitting next with me. Aahhhh!! *Im sure i fail on History.
Copy time. Peeping other student's paper. Ask the answer. Thats my life. *But, not everytime. It'll make me look stupid. But there's some answer that I put arrow besides it and wrote 'haha!' because the answer is stupid.
Ugh! Teachers will have the eye of eagle. GahhhH! Its like everytime she/he watch me, they say "I have my eyes in you, Najwa." That is freaking scary.
The day that I can make noise alone with blaming other people did it. But some teachers joined me making noisy stuff. Like singing and ketuk-ing the table. Hahaha! Good times.
The day that I be easily hungry. Because of thinking so much, I even dont eat while studying.
Copy time. Peeping other student's paper. Ask the answer. Thats my life. *But, not everytime. It'll make me look stupid. But there's some answer that I put arrow besides it and wrote 'haha!' because the answer is stupid.
Ugh! Teachers will have the eye of eagle. GahhhH! Its like everytime she/he watch me, they say "I have my eyes in you, Najwa." That is freaking scary.
The day that I can make noise alone with blaming other people did it. But some teachers joined me making noisy stuff. Like singing and ketuk-ing the table. Hahaha! Good times.
The day that I be easily hungry. Because of thinking so much, I even dont eat while studying.