adding work? answer : freaking yes ! why you ask? answer : i'm bored being just a student ok? i'm bored being a daughter only. so, i decided to sell my own bag design and writing novels. nerdy huh? but, like i care. atleast i make my own money. ok ok, i also go to tuition every tuesday and thursday morning, which make me more busy as ever. *i love my life now* i just love to be miserable! oh god i miss Kuching. and oh god i hate this stupid wabak. fuck you H1N1! i look like a completely idiot wearing those ugly masks. but, biarlahh. if my mom say WEAR IT, then i have to wear. *its her money, not mine. last, i wanna ask you people. i wanna make money with my own hands. got some ideas? i dont want something that forced me to burn my things. i just want myself to be miserable. so, any ideas?