First - Hello MTV World Stage Concert. (Platinum sits)
Yes, MTV World Stage Concert. Last week, I don't get ANYTHING from my parents. I don't even meet them so much. Suddenly, yesterday, 15th August 2009. My mom said to asked me "Najwa, do you want to go to the MTV World Stage Concert? If you want, you can bring 5 friends because I have 6 extra tickets." Without thinking anything, I straightly said YES to my mom. The problem is, I don't know who am I gonna bring because all my friends like busy doing their chores and some their parents wouldn't allow them. Hush. So, I asked Millatina *anak pak hamid* and Dian Hazri *boyfriend baru lepas kerja.* Ahaa! It's quite fun spending time with them. Seriously.

Second - Hello Kerang (Dian Hazri)
Ahaa! Very funny. I just can't stop thinking of this part. Last night, my mom brought us to Rasta *tempat makan* and ofcourse, my mom is a cockle maniac. So she ordered Kerang Rebus. When the cockle is served, my mom asked everyone to eat it lahh. We started to eat, Dian Hazri was like trying to avoid it. And when my mom gave it to him, dia pun terpaksalah makan. He looks very strange because he TUNDUK while pegang the cockle. Rupa-rupanya, dia takpandai bukak kerang. Haha! As he tried and tried, finally. Dapat jugak. But the second one, dengan penuh semangat dan bangga. Dia bukak the kerang and suddenly kerang tu jatuh. Hahaa! Oh Dian Hazri, luckly. You look cute when you forced yourself to open the kerang :D

Third - Hello Anak Pak Hassan (Millatina)
Millatina told me a story bout what happened to her one night. *And Dian Hazri was fallen asleep! Kesian dia. Letih.* One night, there was a call from one guy. When she answer it, that guy said..
Guy : Anak Pak Hassan mana?!
Milla : Huh? Pak Hassan mana?
Guy : Anak Pak Hassan, Ali.
Milla : Yang mana ni?
Guy : Alaa, Ali. Ni nak ajak dia pergi lepak kat kedai kopi. Tengok bola. Dah lambat ni. Mana dia?
Milla : Huh? Tak kenal lah.
Guy : Ni anak siapa ni?
Milla : Anak Pak Hamid.
Guy : Pak Hamid? Pak Hamid mana ni?
Milla : Pak Hamid lahh.
*panjang lagi ceritanya. tapi Najwa singkatkan je la k? *beberapa minit kemudian*
Guy : Duduk mana ni?
Milla : KL.
Guy : Ohh KL. Ingatkan ni nombor Kelantan.
Milla : Salah nombor lah ni?
Guy : A'ah. Mintak maaf lah ye? Ingatkan ni anak Pak Hassan. Ni nak ajak dia tengok bola kat kedai kopi ha. Dah janji tak datang-datang.
*Kesudahannya, lelaki itu cerita balik apa yg dia dah cakap kat Millatina beberapa minit yg lalu.
Ahaa, so that's what happened last night. It was freaking fun. *And I wish I can hug Dian Hazri again!*