Whats up with the title? First, let me introduce who the hell is she. She's my crazy yet best and freak friend you fool! *And she's one year older than me.* But, so what? I Love You Baby!
But why?! Why you must live at Kuching?! Stay at KL lahhh! Dapat pergi Fitness First together so you can have your six pack. Ahaa! And don't cut your hair! I love your hair!
Sorry tak text. Credit mudah habis. Baby, I really miss you crazily! *Macam couple plak.* But like I care. Why everytime when I'm free you're not at KL and when I'm busy as a bee you're at KL?! WHY?!
Nyway, I really hope we can spend time together crazily again. Seriously, I really want to. Cepatlah raya. And on December, don't forget to come KL. Duit banyak because raya. :D ILoveYou.