What's up with the title? On 9th August 2009, my friend, Fiqri Syairazi, was having his birthday party at his house. Well, I'm talking about Bandar Country Homes, Rawang bebeh! Kerana sayang, me, Fiqa, Milla and Aiman went together by bus *duhh, the only transport that we're confident about.* But, when we arrived at Rawang, we have to change bus. And the driver said "Naik bas depan." Bas depan? There's like 5 bas depan ok? Sesat sementara di pekan Rawang. Ahaa!
Then the driver kejar us. Tunjuk the bus. *Ahh! Gila malu. Nasib baik muka fiqa tak merah* Then, dah changed bus pun, we're kinda suspicious that the bus nak patah balik to KL. But, dengan tiada perasaan malunya, Aiman saved the day! He asked the driver bus, again. And then the bus driver asked him something.
Then the driver kejar us. Tunjuk the bus. *Ahh! Gila malu. Nasib baik muka fiqa tak merah* Then, dah changed bus pun, we're kinda suspicious that the bus nak patah balik to KL. But, dengan tiada perasaan malunya, Aiman saved the day! He asked the driver bus, again. And then the bus driver asked him something.
Bus Driver : Awak nak turun mana?
Aiman : Turun Bandar Country Homes la.
Bus Driver : Yela, kat mana?
Fiqa : *Tiba-tiba menyapuk* Kat depan surau.
Bus Driver : Ohh! Nanti saya tunjuk.
(Dalam beberapa minit kemudian)
Bus Driver : Surau ada 2, satu atas, satu bawah. Yang mana satu?
Aiman : Yang tengah-tengah takde?
*Sebaris line tempat duduk tu gelak. And Aiman terus call Fiqri.*
Aiman : Yang bawah.
Bus Driver : Ohh, ok ok. Saya tahu :)
Bila kami arrived kat depan surau, sebenarnya. Surau pun kteorang tak jumpa. Kteorang pun duduk kat bus stand tu macam pendatang asing sebab tak berani nak bergerak. Milla call Fiqri macam nak rak. Terjerit-jerit. *Perangai ibundanya juga.* Then, bila fiqri sampai, We Felt Saved!
Bila dah arrived kat rumah Fiqri, GOD! I can't stop eating! Even though I am kinda full. But I keep eating! :D And ofcourse, bagi present, sing 2 birthday songs, blow up the candle and taking pictures!
*One of the song that we've created on that moment.
Happy Birthday to you
You live in a zoo
You look like a monkey
And smell like it too!
Crazy day, I'm telling you. Crazy! But, what the heck? I love my friends. Seriously, I do. Take this note and read this blog as an evidence that I really love my friends. :D *macam show off plak.