This post agak emo sikit. Frankly speaks , I'm not ready for 2010.
Listening to Fifteen by Taylor Swift , its like she's having pretty AWESOME year. But I don't think I'm gonna have one just like hers.
Awalawal tahun lagi 3 orang yg I sayang gila babi takde dengan I.
Dianhazri , dia pergi plkn , Sabah.
Fiqri Syairazi , dia pindah sekolah to Banting.
Nur Afiqah , dia pindah Seremban.
Weh , asal jauhjauh ni? I dahlah budak nerd next year. Memang kimsalamm ahh kalau nak keluar. Shit gila wehh. Dahlah PMR next year. I just hope my new year's eve , I will spending it with the 3 of them. But I don't know how.
HAHA and I can't believe I'm crying right now.
Seriously , after PMR examination , I'm gonna go and crash KL.
I'll shop till drop. I'll shisha till I faint. And most of all , I'll be with the love ones everydayy.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Millatinaa ,
5 tahun yg lalu ,

Kteorg pernah bergaduh macam orang lain. But bila diingatkan balik , kteorg pergaduh pasal benda bodohbodoh. Sebab tak ajak swimming lah. Dengki sebab satu laki ni rapat dengan one of us lah. HAHA whatever.
Selama 5 tahun jadi kawan baik dia , macammacam dah benda bodoh kteorg dah buat. Duludulu , kalau keluar bawak 50ringgit. Kecoh dahh. Tangan menggeletar jea pegang duit tu. Yeahh , ingat lagi ohh dialog kteorg time tu.
Najwa : Milla , awak bawak berapa ohh duit?
Milla : Kte bawak 50ringgit. Awak?
Najwa : Eh , sama lahh! Banyak gilaa ohh. Takut nak pegang.
Milla : Tahu takpe. Ishh , kena jaga elokelok ni. Kang ada gak yg curi duit kte ye?
Najwa : A'ah. Hish , takut takut.
Milla : Kte bawak 50ringgit. Awak?
Najwa : Eh , sama lahh! Banyak gilaa ohh. Takut nak pegang.
Milla : Tahu takpe. Ishh , kena jaga elokelok ni. Kang ada gak yg curi duit kte ye?
Najwa : A'ah. Hish , takut takut.
Sekarang ni , 50ringgit? Perghhh , rasa cam nak jea curi jea manamana kedai. Palingpaling pun ada 150ringgit ke. -______- Tu pun kira tak cukup tauu.
Banyak benda menyakitkan hati yg dia dah buat. Najwa pun pernah sakitkan hati dia. So , kami agak normal. But sometimes , kteorg boleh jadi OVER. Sakit hati cam mana pun dengan Milla ni. Boleh end up dengan GELAK sahaja. Najwa memang sayangkan si Tambee gila ni ohh.
Nasihat untuk korang semua , lagilagi kalau ajak dia nak jogging :
JANGAN ajak dia jogging pagipagi. Korg call ahh dia 30kali. Memang takkan bangun punya. Percayalah :)
Banyak benda menyakitkan hati yg dia dah buat. Najwa pun pernah sakitkan hati dia. So , kami agak normal. But sometimes , kteorg boleh jadi OVER. Sakit hati cam mana pun dengan Milla ni. Boleh end up dengan GELAK sahaja. Najwa memang sayangkan si Tambee gila ni ohh.
Nasihat untuk korang semua , lagilagi kalau ajak dia nak jogging :
JANGAN ajak dia jogging pagipagi. Korg call ahh dia 30kali. Memang takkan bangun punya. Percayalah :)
"Weh tambee. Kau ni , nasib baik lah aku sayang kau. Kalau tak , aku dah sekeh kepala kau tuu. Heh , aku berani tau! :P Macammacam dah plan dengan kau. But semua end up dengan "Sorry takboleh ni , sorry takboleh tu." Paling aku suka "Sorry aku tertidur." Kau ni memang nak kena cium dengan aku eh? HAHA , milla ohh milla. Kau buat lah pape pun. Aku sakit hati ke , aku bengang ke. But dalam sehari lebih camtu , aku maafkan kau wehh. :P *perasan* Aku sayang kau. Bersyukur lah kerana kau memiliki kawan yg sabar cam aku. Wekkkk!"
Bo. -Bedroom Sanctuary

Whatever it is , i wish anyone can make songs like you. I love you foreverrr.
2 of my FAV songs ever is :
1.Her Spiral Necklace
2.Malam Ini
Two thumbs up! <33
2 of my FAV songs ever is :
1.Her Spiral Necklace
2.Malam Ini
Two thumbs up! <33
Friday, December 18, 2009
my life at home ,
finally , dapat mimpi yg best. jangan fikir lain. just , dapat mimpi makan twister fries. gahhh! gila sedap. ok ok , bangun dari tidur , senyum tibatiba. checked my phone. ada several messages. all from Dian. "huh , mesti tertidur awal lagi aku ni. kesian dia." cepatcepat text dia by saying "afternoon." i meant , takkan lah nak morning plak kan?
bangun jea , ikat rambut and terus masuk pergi bathroom. gosok gigi and cuci muka. after that , pergi kat ruang tamu , bilik baju and bilik tidur parents. senyum lagi cuz parents takde kat rumah. then , masuk balik kat bilik and online. "this is the life."
Dian reply message jea terus call dia. suruh dia datang rumah. lepak. sometimes dia jawab "suka hati." but usually , "okay" jea. memang sayang dia ahh. i wish i ask the same thing to Fiqri. like always , mengidam twister fries. but masak sausage. tu yg keding nak mampus tu.
dalam half and hour , Dian datang. of course , dia terus masuk bilik and online. dah kenal dah perangai dia. then , lama sikit. najwa pun kacau dia. then kteorg gaduh manja manja. *alaaaa , tak selalu nak bermanja nee* then , bergaduh pasal nak order pizza. bijak kan? :DD
pizza sampai , makan lah ofcourse. bongok. Dian makan gila banyak. but biarlahh. lepas makan , tengok tv. dalam pukul 6 camtu , dia balik. start alone lagi. online balik. and im bored. merepek lahh kat myspace pasal lapar and nak mcD.
aghif slash arif dah janji nak belanja mcD , kalau najwa datang rumah dia. -______- ingat dekat hape? haziq plak , mestilah cakap pasal shisha or rocktheworld. kalau matt , mesti dia tanya khabar semua and kteorg bergossip. ammirul plak , heee. mesti cakap pasal bosan duduk rumah. fiqri , SPONGEBOB! baim dah sombong sikit. sedih najwa.
ramai lagi najwa chat but takkan nak buat list kott? last last bosan sangat , tidur depan laptop. bagus bagus. seee? boring kan my life at home? macam sial jeaaaaaa. gahhH!
bangun jea , ikat rambut and terus masuk pergi bathroom. gosok gigi and cuci muka. after that , pergi kat ruang tamu , bilik baju and bilik tidur parents. senyum lagi cuz parents takde kat rumah. then , masuk balik kat bilik and online. "this is the life."
Dian reply message jea terus call dia. suruh dia datang rumah. lepak. sometimes dia jawab "suka hati." but usually , "okay" jea. memang sayang dia ahh. i wish i ask the same thing to Fiqri. like always , mengidam twister fries. but masak sausage. tu yg keding nak mampus tu.
dalam half and hour , Dian datang. of course , dia terus masuk bilik and online. dah kenal dah perangai dia. then , lama sikit. najwa pun kacau dia. then kteorg gaduh manja manja. *alaaaa , tak selalu nak bermanja nee* then , bergaduh pasal nak order pizza. bijak kan? :DD
pizza sampai , makan lah ofcourse. bongok. Dian makan gila banyak. but biarlahh. lepas makan , tengok tv. dalam pukul 6 camtu , dia balik. start alone lagi. online balik. and im bored. merepek lahh kat myspace pasal lapar and nak mcD.
aghif slash arif dah janji nak belanja mcD , kalau najwa datang rumah dia. -______- ingat dekat hape? haziq plak , mestilah cakap pasal shisha or rocktheworld. kalau matt , mesti dia tanya khabar semua and kteorg bergossip. ammirul plak , heee. mesti cakap pasal bosan duduk rumah. fiqri , SPONGEBOB! baim dah sombong sikit. sedih najwa.
ramai lagi najwa chat but takkan nak buat list kott? last last bosan sangat , tidur depan laptop. bagus bagus. seee? boring kan my life at home? macam sial jeaaaaaa. gahhH!
Monday, December 14, 2009
It's reality dear ,
You're not just a friend nor best buddy. You're even not my enemy. Every time we get along , one day , I know you'll crush me no matter what. But I never give up on you. Never do. I cried , I suffered. It's like you never care what I did.
You disappointed me. But one day , you're having a problem. I turn back , without thinking. Giving you another chances. Be by your side. Listen and do whatever it takes to make you laugh again. But then , you ditched me. You told me all the lies just because of you were thinking for yourself. That's what you do. Again and again.
Can't you see? I cares bout you. But it looks like you never do. Every time you get the happiness , you forget me. Thank you for never be with me. Thank you so much. Thank you for all the lies that you've given to me.
You disappointed me. But one day , you're having a problem. I turn back , without thinking. Giving you another chances. Be by your side. Listen and do whatever it takes to make you laugh again. But then , you ditched me. You told me all the lies just because of you were thinking for yourself. That's what you do. Again and again.
Can't you see? I cares bout you. But it looks like you never do. Every time you get the happiness , you forget me. Thank you for never be with me. Thank you so much. Thank you for all the lies that you've given to me.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
pak arab ngek ,
one day , urmm. cerita ni dwibahasa ye? ok ok , sambung.
one day ni , i hangout dengan cousin i. and also with hers and my friends.
cousin : khalisah
my friend : alyaa
her friends : mynn , liyana , haris & johan
oh yeahh , first. ofcourse bila dah cenderung kat pav , dengan ada sale lagi , sooo SHOPPINGG! then , kteorg semua end up nak shisha. YESS PEOPLE , i shisha. -______-" ingatkan nak pergi rooftop , but takut shisha dia 20ringgit. nak confirmkan shisha dia 15ringgit , masingmasing call orang kenalan yg sangap shisha. but semua tak jawab. senget kann? soo , kteorg pun pergi tempat shisha yg sumpah jauh and nasib baik , murah. :D
yg menyakitkan hati , bila shisha dah sampai semua , barulahh orang yg i called tadi call i balik. tanya apahal i call. frust nyaaaa bila dapat tahu kat rooftop harga shisha dia 15ringgit. gahhhhh. sabar. so , i pun shisha kat bawah tu lamalama gilaaaa.
dalam 45minutes later , asap shisha tu mula kurang. ingatkan sebab arang dia. but tengok masih banyak lagi. i taknak bisingbising. i panggil pak arab tu. time tu i agak pening so english i memang hancur ahh.
I dengan frustnya ,
Then , Alyaa pun pedal ayat english dia.
Tu lah situation yg paling bangang sekali yg pernah I alami. Frust betul dengan pak arab kat BB tu. Kerja kat Malaysia. Bahasa Melayu pun takfaham. But the best part , boleh kutukkutuk dorg. HAHA , XD
one day ni , i hangout dengan cousin i. and also with hers and my friends.
cousin : khalisah
my friend : alyaa
her friends : mynn , liyana , haris & johan
oh yeahh , first. ofcourse bila dah cenderung kat pav , dengan ada sale lagi , sooo SHOPPINGG! then , kteorg semua end up nak shisha. YESS PEOPLE , i shisha. -______-" ingatkan nak pergi rooftop , but takut shisha dia 20ringgit. nak confirmkan shisha dia 15ringgit , masingmasing call orang kenalan yg sangap shisha. but semua tak jawab. senget kann? soo , kteorg pun pergi tempat shisha yg sumpah jauh and nasib baik , murah. :D
yg menyakitkan hati , bila shisha dah sampai semua , barulahh orang yg i called tadi call i balik. tanya apahal i call. frust nyaaaa bila dapat tahu kat rooftop harga shisha dia 15ringgit. gahhhhh. sabar. so , i pun shisha kat bawah tu lamalama gilaaaa.
dalam 45minutes later , asap shisha tu mula kurang. ingatkan sebab arang dia. but tengok masih banyak lagi. i taknak bisingbising. i panggil pak arab tu. time tu i agak pening so english i memang hancur ahh.
Najwa : Yo Bro!
Pak Arab : Yes? Is there any problem?
Najwa : Yeahh , why is the smoke. Uhhhh , *blur nak mampus* Uhhhhh.
Pak Arab : The smoke what?
Najwa : Urmm , the smoke kinda little.
Pak Arab : Sorry?
Pak Arab : Yes? Is there any problem?
Najwa : Yeahh , why is the smoke. Uhhhh , *blur nak mampus* Uhhhhh.
Pak Arab : The smoke what?
Najwa : Urmm , the smoke kinda little.
Pak Arab : Sorry?
I dengan frustnya ,
Najwa : Asap shisha tok ehh! Sik banyak! Faham sik kau? Sikda rasa papa gik yaa.
*Semua kawan gelak pecah perut. Termasuk pak arab tu sekali.*Then , Alyaa pun pedal ayat english dia.
Alyaa : The smoke , not many .
Pak Arab : OHH , not many smoke. Hurmmm , shisha needs drinks too.
Pak Arab : OHH , not many smoke. Hurmmm , shisha needs drinks too.
Tu lah situation yg paling bangang sekali yg pernah I alami. Frust betul dengan pak arab kat BB tu. Kerja kat Malaysia. Bahasa Melayu pun takfaham. But the best part , boleh kutukkutuk dorg. HAHA , XD
i'm freaking bored okayyy ?

life can easily be B.O.R.I.N.G
it's like eating , after we ate , we're full and for 3-4 hours , then. we're back hungry. that's my freaking life. i had a great time while the holidays. but , after 2-3 hours later , i'm back , bored. WTH?! why does i easily get bored? god , i hate being bored. i wish i can be Phineas and Ferb. built things that our ages couldn't do. or just sit still like on Do Nothing-Day :)
whatever it is , i need fun stay around me. i enjoy baking but if i bake , who would eat it ? geram akuu.
it's like eating , after we ate , we're full and for 3-4 hours , then. we're back hungry. that's my freaking life. i had a great time while the holidays. but , after 2-3 hours later , i'm back , bored. WTH?! why does i easily get bored? god , i hate being bored. i wish i can be Phineas and Ferb. built things that our ages couldn't do. or just sit still like on Do Nothing-Day :)
whatever it is , i need fun stay around me. i enjoy baking but if i bake , who would eat it ? geram akuu.
Monday, December 7, 2009
i heart them ,
Pick ur top 6 friends, and mark it down. then answer the questions, even though it may take a while.
1.Dian Hazri
5.Farra Alia
6.Fiqri Syairazi

NUMBER 6–Fiqri Syairazi :)
nahhh , :P
never , hahaha
duhhh , mestilah
25. When did you last see 6?
last week , friday. best moment. hahaha
26. ARE YOU IN 6′S TOP 8/12/24 WHATEVER?
i'm the first one , XD
always doo ,
yes for sure , he's my twin .
hell yeahh ,
likes to belanja me , XD
5.Farra Alia
6.Fiqri Syairazi

NUMBER 6–Fiqri Syairazi :)
nahhh , :P
never , hahaha
duhhh , mestilah
25. When did you last see 6?
last week , friday. best moment. hahaha
26. ARE YOU IN 6′S TOP 8/12/24 WHATEVER?
i'm the first one , XD
always doo ,
yes for sure , he's my twin .
hell yeahh ,
likes to belanja me , XD
well enough :D
2 years ago ,
mengumpat pasal orang sekeliling , best
malu nak bagitahu ,
she's already perfect lah ngek!
i guess , ada ke?
38. ARE YOU ON 5′S TOP 8/12/24 LIST?
idontknow , maybe .
oh yeahh , anything .

NUMBER 4--Saiful :)
last hangout , agak lama kott -,-
no , dia kan bakal suami ketiga saya . haha joke
oh i wish , boleh saiful ?
time standard 6 , bt lost contact jap.
46. ARE YOU ON 4′S TOP 8/12/24 LIST?
ada ada , kan ?
tangkap gambar XD
oh yeahhh !
ada ada , kutt.
50. DO YOU LOVE 4?
yesss , i love you saiful. <3
yesss , i love you saiful. <3

NUMBER 3—Khalisah :)
dari kecik lagi , dia cousin okayy ?
hari raya haji , hahaha
dated ? hahaha , pernah .
mesti ada ,
55. IS 3 FUNNY?
gila funny ohh
no =.=
57. ARE YOU ON 3′S TOP 8/12/24?
yeahhh! i've checked it.
salam salam. hahaha , raya haji lah bongok
trying new foods , xD
bestest cousin everrrrr ,

NUMBER 2—Millatina :)
sekolah rendah :')
yeah yeah , lagilagi kalau ada duit
oh yeah , harihari.
65. DO YOU LOVE 2?
absolutely , XD
terlalu banyakk ,
do stupid stuff that only both of us understands
huh ? kau gila hape ?
6 months , :')
heeeeeeee ,
74. ARE YOU ON 1′S TOP 8/12/24?
yeahh , first kan b ?
haha ada ke b ?
sekali jea :(
79. DO YOU LOVE 1?
So F**king Damn Much b ,
6 months , :')
heeeeeeee ,
74. ARE YOU ON 1′S TOP 8/12/24?
yeahh , first kan b ?
haha ada ke b ?
sekali jea :(
79. DO YOU LOVE 1?
So F**king Damn Much b ,
Friday, December 4, 2009
Happy ohh happy :)
HELLO guys.
Finally , I'm in a good mood. I love 4 December 2009. Weirdly , my parents happily let me hangout with Fiqri. But sadly , they only gave me RM50. But , again , the great news is , I have RM150 on my hand. So , it makes RM200 all together.
I asked to hangout with Fiqri yesterday. And he is like "OKAYY" soo I'm soo freaking glad knowing him and be his twin. I love you bro. The reason I wanted sooooo badly to go out is actually to shop. Not to lepak and stuff. Sooo not me. Especially on SALE.
Before going to Pav , I have 2 guests came into my house. (Dian&Boy) And the three of us look all the Perhentian pictures and and both of the guys fighting who's picture is more. *Ayat english sumpah teruk* Lastly , both gave up and and I won!
Okay , I lied. I didnt win. Heeee! Then , Fiqri started to call and stuff. So , quickly I prepared myself as my heart and my mind was like sooooo damn excited to go shopping. And , oh yeahh. Dian & Boy pun pergi gak. But tak join kteorang -________-
Okayy , skip to shopping. Well , now my true colours finally revealed! I get nervous when choosing clothes or slippers or whatever. That's me. But then , after nervous. I'll buy both or all. HAHA , waste of time jea. But till now , I regret I didnt buy this one baju which Dian called "Baju Kain". -________-
Eating timeee! We eated NANDO'S. Yeahh , finally. Dapat gak nando's. At first , I already miss Dian. HAHA , so I thought I wanna text him. But , fikirfikir balik. Takut dia cari Najwa. So I didnt. But like 5 minutes later , Dian texted! :D He said that he is bored and he wanna join me. So i said YES.
Dian came and dia terus mintak my phone. Then , dia main game. My fav part. Dia punya syok main game tu , bila dia kalah jea dia akan cakap "Haish!" but in excited mood. Bila dia menang plak dia cakap "Yesssss! HAHA!" again and again. Then dia gelak. HAHA , comel jea. Syok gila kott dia main.
So , thats what I did today. Satisfied. With my two beloved guys. Dian&Fiqri. I love you guys. Tapi susah lah nak hang dengan korg dua sekali gus sebab if Najwa cakap dengan sorg , sorg akan diam. Boring! Heeeeee , <3
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
HELLO , i hate holidays without money. Thank you. :)
Ok ok , I ADMIT! I love money. I'm a money maniac. I would kill myself to get money. And guess what ? I've been starving for like a few days to save my money. But end up by spending it. It's worth it. HAHA , sale ohh sale! You're killing me okay?!
This is why I hate holidays :
On holidays , family should be on holiday lahh ofcourse! We should travel anywhere. But not my family. Its been 2 years dah kteorang tak travel. Fuck kott. Kerjakerjakerja. Bila nak habis? And my sis plak belajarbelajarbelajar. Grrrrrr , tinggallah me , myself and I sorgsorg kat rumah. Best kan?
Ok , since I'm the only one stuck in the house. My mom gave me some works. Gahhhh! Cleaning the house including lipat baju and stuff and she'll pay me RM500. Boleh lahh. So I accept! But still , I'm tired as hell. Boring. Feels like grounded.
I hate online actually. But its also my fault because not having something to do. So I HAVE to online. When I online , especially myspace. All I do is approve the comments and friend request. I really hate when people ask like "Hye , boleh berkenalan?" or "You stay mana?" Kalau bagitahu bukannya tahu pun. And I really hate kalau baru kenal like 10 minutes and suddenly "You , nak num you boleh?" Fuck you! Ingat senangsenang ke nak bagi num kat stranger?
Ok , I'm already out from the title. Sooo , kesimpulan. I NEED MONEY FOR SHOPPING. Tak fahamfaham lagi ke? =.="
Ok ok , I ADMIT! I love money. I'm a money maniac. I would kill myself to get money. And guess what ? I've been starving for like a few days to save my money. But end up by spending it. It's worth it. HAHA , sale ohh sale! You're killing me okay?!
This is why I hate holidays :
On holidays , family should be on holiday lahh ofcourse! We should travel anywhere. But not my family. Its been 2 years dah kteorang tak travel. Fuck kott. Kerjakerjakerja. Bila nak habis? And my sis plak belajarbelajarbelajar. Grrrrrr , tinggallah me , myself and I sorgsorg kat rumah. Best kan?
Ok , since I'm the only one stuck in the house. My mom gave me some works. Gahhhh! Cleaning the house including lipat baju and stuff and she'll pay me RM500. Boleh lahh. So I accept! But still , I'm tired as hell. Boring. Feels like grounded.
I hate online actually. But its also my fault because not having something to do. So I HAVE to online. When I online , especially myspace. All I do is approve the comments and friend request. I really hate when people ask like "Hye , boleh berkenalan?" or "You stay mana?" Kalau bagitahu bukannya tahu pun. And I really hate kalau baru kenal like 10 minutes and suddenly "You , nak num you boleh?" Fuck you! Ingat senangsenang ke nak bagi num kat stranger?
Ok , I'm already out from the title. Sooo , kesimpulan. I NEED MONEY FOR SHOPPING. Tak fahamfaham lagi ke? =.="
Friday, November 27, 2009
my top 6 in myspace<33
1. Have you slept in the same bed with number 2?
Yeahh , sudah rasmi :D
2. Where did you meet number 6?
Di dalam kereta mak Milla -_____-''
3. Have you ever gotten drunk with number 4?
Not yet. Bakal. :D
4. Has 1 been to your house?
Yes , always do.
5. Has number 2 ever seen you naked?
Noooooo , O.O
6. Have you ever gone shopping with 3?
Yeah yeahh ,
7. Have you ever seen 5 in a swimsuit?
Nope. No. Not yet.
9. Do you know number 4’s middle name?
Well , Saiful ? Kau ada Muhammad tak? Heeeee ,
10. Have you eaten anything infront of number 6?
Almost everytime!
11. Do you trust number 2?
Mestilahh. He's my boyfiee.
12. Have you ever fought with number 1?
Hell yeah. And I hate it !
13. When’s the last time you talked to 5 in person?
Erkkk , I forgot. O.O
14. Are any of your top 6 family members
Yess , num 3. And num 2 bakal.
15. Have you ever done something dangerous with number 3?
Haha , ada kut.
16. Have you ever slept in the same bed with 4?
Belum boleh. Haha ,
17. Do you think 4 and 5 would make a good couple?
Honestly , no. -______-
18. Would 3 do anything for you?
Yeahh , she loves me and I know she would.
19. Has 2 ever helped you out?
Soalan bodoh. Ofcourse lah.
20. Have you ever fell asleep with 1 and 4?
1 pernah . 4 belum lagi. Haha ,
21. Which have you known the longest?
Khalisah , dari kecik lagi. xD
22. Who have you known the shortest?
Saiful kut. Lost contact japp.
23. Has anyone in your top 4 seen you cry?
Yess ,
24. Will 1-6 repost this?
No , mereka pemalas. Bahaha !
loveya guys forever
Yeahh , sudah rasmi :D
2. Where did you meet number 6?
Di dalam kereta mak Milla -_____-''
3. Have you ever gotten drunk with number 4?
Not yet. Bakal. :D
4. Has 1 been to your house?
Yes , always do.
5. Has number 2 ever seen you naked?
Noooooo , O.O
6. Have you ever gone shopping with 3?
Yeah yeahh ,
7. Have you ever seen 5 in a swimsuit?
Nope. No. Not yet.
9. Do you know number 4’s middle name?
Well , Saiful ? Kau ada Muhammad tak? Heeeee ,
10. Have you eaten anything infront of number 6?
Almost everytime!
11. Do you trust number 2?
Mestilahh. He's my boyfiee.
12. Have you ever fought with number 1?
Hell yeah. And I hate it !
13. When’s the last time you talked to 5 in person?
Erkkk , I forgot. O.O
14. Are any of your top 6 family members
Yess , num 3. And num 2 bakal.
15. Have you ever done something dangerous with number 3?
Haha , ada kut.
16. Have you ever slept in the same bed with 4?
Belum boleh. Haha ,
17. Do you think 4 and 5 would make a good couple?
Honestly , no. -______-
18. Would 3 do anything for you?
Yeahh , she loves me and I know she would.
19. Has 2 ever helped you out?
Soalan bodoh. Ofcourse lah.
20. Have you ever fell asleep with 1 and 4?
1 pernah . 4 belum lagi. Haha ,
21. Which have you known the longest?
Khalisah , dari kecik lagi. xD
22. Who have you known the shortest?
Saiful kut. Lost contact japp.
23. Has anyone in your top 4 seen you cry?
Yess ,
24. Will 1-6 repost this?
No , mereka pemalas. Bahaha !
loveya guys forever
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
All because a PHONE ,
Ok ok , semalam Najwa tidur lambat. It's like weird thing tau. Bila tengah makan , ngantok. Bila nak tidur , lapar. Pelik punya perangai! But , whatever. At least finally I get my sleep. But ofcourse , late. Takpe takpe. Nama lagi hols.
Bila dah tidur , dapat mimpi yg pelikpelik. Mulalahh pengacaupengacau tidur nii. First , tah pukul berapa tahh , ada orang call. Number yg tak dikenali call. Bila angkat , dia cakap nak kenal lahh. Umur berapa lahh. Tanpa memikirkan apaapa , Najwa terus letak phone.
Then , ada orang text. Dahlah bunyi dia kuat. Agak menyesal letak lagu Boston by Augustana as message punya apa benda tahh. Ingatkan text drpd Dian , sekali Maxis. ShiiittttT! Sabarsabar. Then tidur balik.
Dalam beberapa jam , ada lagi text. Bangun lagii. Sekali tengok Ikhda. Pagipagi dah bagi text gilaa panjang! Mata ni tak mampu pun nak bukak besarbesar. Sooo , malas lah nak baca. Tidur balik.
Then , dalam beberapa minit , mama ketuk pintu. Then start lahh conversation yg tak diingini.
Then dapatlah tidurr. Dalam 30 minutes later , ada orang call. Najwa pun like "What again now?!" Sekali tengok , its either a house num or public phone. At first ingatkan taknak angkat. Tapi fikirfikir balik , takut papa plak call. So angkat lahh. Then keluar suara lelaki. Ingatkan siapa lah tadi. Ruparupanya Dian. *Terus cover suara sleepy.
*Sorry , conversation kteorg private. Bahaha!*
Then dah frust sangat , terus bangun and cuci muka. But in the end , pukul 2 sampai 5 Najwa tidur and gladly to say , takde orang kacau! XD
Bila dah tidur , dapat mimpi yg pelikpelik. Mulalahh pengacaupengacau tidur nii. First , tah pukul berapa tahh , ada orang call. Number yg tak dikenali call. Bila angkat , dia cakap nak kenal lahh. Umur berapa lahh. Tanpa memikirkan apaapa , Najwa terus letak phone.
Then , ada orang text. Dahlah bunyi dia kuat. Agak menyesal letak lagu Boston by Augustana as message punya apa benda tahh. Ingatkan text drpd Dian , sekali Maxis. ShiiittttT! Sabarsabar. Then tidur balik.
Dalam beberapa jam , ada lagi text. Bangun lagii. Sekali tengok Ikhda. Pagipagi dah bagi text gilaa panjang! Mata ni tak mampu pun nak bukak besarbesar. Sooo , malas lah nak baca. Tidur balik.
Then , dalam beberapa minit , mama ketuk pintu. Then start lahh conversation yg tak diingini.
Mama : Najwa , have you seen my camera?
Najwa : NOOOOOO!! I need my sleep ma!
Mama : I knoww , don't forget to do the laundry okayy?
Najwa : Okayyy ma. I really need my sleep.
Mama : I left some money for you on the table.
Najwa : Thank you ma. Can you close the door so I can sleep?
Mama : Fine fine. Don't forget the laundry.
*Then she kissed my forehead*
Najwa : NOOOOOO!! I need my sleep ma!
Mama : I knoww , don't forget to do the laundry okayy?
Najwa : Okayyy ma. I really need my sleep.
Mama : I left some money for you on the table.
Najwa : Thank you ma. Can you close the door so I can sleep?
Mama : Fine fine. Don't forget the laundry.
*Then she kissed my forehead*
Then dapatlah tidurr. Dalam 30 minutes later , ada orang call. Najwa pun like "What again now?!" Sekali tengok , its either a house num or public phone. At first ingatkan taknak angkat. Tapi fikirfikir balik , takut papa plak call. So angkat lahh. Then keluar suara lelaki. Ingatkan siapa lah tadi. Ruparupanya Dian. *Terus cover suara sleepy.
*Sorry , conversation kteorg private. Bahaha!*
Then dah frust sangat , terus bangun and cuci muka. But in the end , pukul 2 sampai 5 Najwa tidur and gladly to say , takde orang kacau! XD
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Stupid , -______-

Bodoh , bangang , bahlul. Itulah saya. Uwaaaaaaaaa! :( Why are you asking? Well , semalam Najwa keluar. Nak gilagila jumpa Alyaa XD. I still miss you gila! Oh yeahh , sambung balik. Ingatkan keluar like lepaklepak jea. So bawak ahh duit sikit. Sumpah sikit! RM100++ jea. Sikit nak mampuss!
So , Najwa pun pergi Pav tuu. Then dia cakap dia kat Prada. Pergilah kat situ. Then dah happy jumping semua , kteorg pun chow. Then dia cakap "Wa , jom shopping. My kakak just gave me RM150 and I have RM300 di tangan." Then Najwa pun like "Ok" but dalam hati sumpah jealous sebab tak bawak duit banyak -______-
Then , kteorg pun pergi store by store. Yang paling benci is , FUCK HABIS! Semua kedai SALE okay?! SALE! How can I forget that! Bodohhh! It's end of the year mestilah SALE! Why lah Najwa bodoh sangat lupa pasal SALE! Bodoohhhh! Najwa terseksa for one whole day cuz Alyaa boleh senangsenang shop and Najwa tengok and set "Must Buy" list. Terseksa! Can I kill myself?! Semalam ROXY LAST DAY SALE! AhhhhhhhH!
Oh My Lord , I know I have no money at all. So I called Milla , and quickly asked her bout the job that we both suppose to do next month. Then , dia pun menjerit sebab dengar SALE. Ughhh!! Sampai termimpi mimpi okay?! 30% , 50% , 70%. It's EVERYWHEREE!
*But kat Nichi most of it just 10% but who the hell cares?! That store jual baju murahmurah!
Next month I'm soooooooooooo gonna shop till drop. Sumpah bila Najwa dah adult and kaya , look out everyone! I'm gonna be there every single freaking DAY! =.="
So , Najwa pun pergi Pav tuu. Then dia cakap dia kat Prada. Pergilah kat situ. Then dah happy jumping semua , kteorg pun chow. Then dia cakap "Wa , jom shopping. My kakak just gave me RM150 and I have RM300 di tangan." Then Najwa pun like "Ok" but dalam hati sumpah jealous sebab tak bawak duit banyak -______-
Then , kteorg pun pergi store by store. Yang paling benci is , FUCK HABIS! Semua kedai SALE okay?! SALE! How can I forget that! Bodohhh! It's end of the year mestilah SALE! Why lah Najwa bodoh sangat lupa pasal SALE! Bodoohhhh! Najwa terseksa for one whole day cuz Alyaa boleh senangsenang shop and Najwa tengok and set "Must Buy" list. Terseksa! Can I kill myself?! Semalam ROXY LAST DAY SALE! AhhhhhhhH!
Oh My Lord , I know I have no money at all. So I called Milla , and quickly asked her bout the job that we both suppose to do next month. Then , dia pun menjerit sebab dengar SALE. Ughhh!! Sampai termimpi mimpi okay?! 30% , 50% , 70%. It's EVERYWHEREE!
*But kat Nichi most of it just 10% but who the hell cares?! That store jual baju murahmurah!
Next month I'm soooooooooooo gonna shop till drop. Sumpah bila Najwa dah adult and kaya , look out everyone! I'm gonna be there every single freaking DAY! =.="
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)
HELLO guys. Today , with date 18th November 2009. I , Najwa Najhan , not so proudly to say that it's SPM day. Gahhhhhh!
Actually , it's not me the one who takes the exam. I muda lagi okayy? It's my boyfiee. So , I'm dissapointed to tell you guys that ,
Aaaaaahhhhh ! How sad. Weirdly , I feel I wanna puke. Sakit apa?! Huh. I miss Dian so terribly , I can even cry here. Next year , he is going this PLKN. Shit habiss! 3 bulan tak jumpa. Gila sedih. And next year also , I'm facing PMR. Bagus kan?
Actually , it's not me the one who takes the exam. I muda lagi okayy? It's my boyfiee. So , I'm dissapointed to tell you guys that ,
Aaaaaahhhhh ! How sad. Weirdly , I feel I wanna puke. Sakit apa?! Huh. I miss Dian so terribly , I can even cry here. Next year , he is going this PLKN. Shit habiss! 3 bulan tak jumpa. Gila sedih. And next year also , I'm facing PMR. Bagus kan?
Friday, November 13, 2009
Last moment , :)

Exam Sejarah nak berakhir wehh. Cehh , memang happy tahap cipan ahh! Tapi ada lagi 15 soalan tak siap. Taktahu punn. Terpaksalah ikut cara Iqseed. Pilih ayat yg paling panjang. Yang sedih nyaa , takde ayat panjang pun. Semua sama jeaa. Grr , takpe takpe.
Cikgu pun cakap "Tinggal lagi 10 minit."
Najwa pun like "What the HELL?!" Kawankawan semua dah menggelabah nak siapkan. Najwa pun tantan tut keladi wewe lahh. Then siap. WOOOHOOO! Muka senyum lebarr sampai telinga wehh. *Pastu AJ pegi tangkap gambar Najwa tengah angau freedom. Senget ahh kau!*
Tunggu cikgu kutip kertas. Text orang lahh.
"FREEDOM!" Forward to Dianajwa , Iqseed , Kila , Boy , Fiqa and siapa tah.
Iqseed reply : HAHA , bagus lah tu. Nyanyi lagu merdeka.
Najwa reply : Taknak , nak nyanyi lagu FREEDOM dalam iklan perfume D&G tu.
Iqseed reply : Baguslah. You can sing that. Wa kan bucukk.
Najwa reply : Thats meann =.="
Pastu cikgu cakap : "Semua duduk tempat masingmasing and jangan bercakap time cikgu kutip kertas" Pelik , dah exam. Memang ahh kteorang duduk tempat masingmasing.
Boy reply : Oit , agak2 arr sikit. Orang kat sini belum lagi.
Najwa reply : HAHA , kesian.
Boy reply : Alaa , freedom sekejap jea. Next year ada lagi.
Najwa reply : Penghancur perasaan betul =.="
Cikgu ni lembab ohh. Najwa pun panggil Ikhda. *Depan jeaa.*
Kteorg samasama nyanyi lagu Merdeka. Happiness wehh. Bila dah habis kutip , kteorang semua berebut nak ambil bag kat belakang. Instead of berebut , Najwa plak lompatlompat and nyanyi lagu FREEDOM! *Tibatiba AJ sambung =.="*
Kteorg samasama nyanyi lagu Merdeka. Happiness wehh. Bila dah habis kutip , kteorang semua berebut nak ambil bag kat belakang. Instead of berebut , Najwa plak lompatlompat and nyanyi lagu FREEDOM! *Tibatiba AJ sambung =.="*
Dian reply : PMR!
Najwa reply : Penghancur perasaan!
Dian reply : HAHA ,
Najwa reply : :P
Balik rumah jea , terus lompatlompat kat katil. Pastu tukat tempat. Kat sofa plak. Den lompat atas kerusi. Pastu letih den minum. Tapi sempat lagi jerit "WOOOOOHOOO!" Esok partayyy! But masih fikir lagi. Nak keluar ke , taknak? Nak keluar ke taknak? Hurmmm ,
P.S : I miss Dian , Milla & Saiful.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
OMG , Dianajwa :)
Awwwww , omg. Its been a LONG time I haven't updated this blog. Rindu. Kat sekolah kecoh jea pasal blog funkycrazynajwa ni. Tak sangka ye? Ada gak orang letak blog ni as a Favourite one of my school's Cyber Library. Famous famous. :D
Nyway , I want to tell something that kinda shock my entire body, in and out. First , finally. I never been sooooooo damn happy after 7th Nov 2009. *B , b tahu apa jadi ok?* Kena marah dengan mama but I dont take a shit care. Seriously. BAHAHA , whateverrrrrrr.
Second , Dian told me that our relationship were busted. His mom *Makkk*, read his notes on his phone screen bout both of us. Luckly , his mom didnt care or upset or scold himm. Yay ! I love you makk! But , I'm nervous lahh if jumpa dia. (O.O)
Third , lately. My hobby is almost everyday 3G with Dian. And OMG , he always mention that he is white anddd cerah *fcukk , lupa plak english* when he lay on his bed. HAHA , and me and Dian always, ALWAYS make silly faces. Which sometimes he looks cute and adorable. It melt my heart mehh.
Results , I'm happy with youuuuu Dian ngek! I hughug youuu , you kisskiss me back!
Nyway , I want to tell something that kinda shock my entire body, in and out. First , finally. I never been sooooooo damn happy after 7th Nov 2009. *B , b tahu apa jadi ok?* Kena marah dengan mama but I dont take a shit care. Seriously. BAHAHA , whateverrrrrrr.
Second , Dian told me that our relationship were busted. His mom *Makkk*, read his notes on his phone screen bout both of us. Luckly , his mom didnt care or upset or scold himm. Yay ! I love you makk! But , I'm nervous lahh if jumpa dia. (O.O)
Third , lately. My hobby is almost everyday 3G with Dian. And OMG , he always mention that he is white anddd cerah *fcukk , lupa plak english* when he lay on his bed. HAHA , and me and Dian always, ALWAYS make silly faces. Which sometimes he looks cute and adorable. It melt my heart mehh.
Results , I'm happy with youuuuu Dian ngek! I hughug youuu , you kisskiss me back!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
TOO much surprises
LIFE IS EASY. Have you guys heard that sentence? Well, frankly speak. Sometimes I do agree. But usually I don't. My life is full of games. And I don't like it.
There's one day. I would like to tell you guys. On that day, I can't decided which feelings that I should show to my friends. Too many surprises that I can't accept. That day, I can't barely control myself. I control my tears, my smiles, everything. I felt so mad, sad, confused, happy and more. I almost loose it. Why now? The question that I asked myself every destination.
I fake everything. And I end it with having the wrong thing. You know what? I wish I never had this day. I wish I never met this person. I wish I never live.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir & Batin :)

Heyy guys. Weird kan ? Wish awal sangat. But I do have the reason here. I'm going back to Kuching today *12 September 2009* and gonna skip school 1 week earlier. It's quite difficult for me to online at Kuching because I'll be anywhere but home when I'm there. *usually lah. I'm gonna miss my Dian and all of my friends here. But don't worry. It's not I'm gonna stay there :)
Anyway, I wanna apologise to everyone that read this blog, to my friends and family if there was a mistakes that I've done before this. Forgive me. *Don't make me beg you!* So, I hope this Aidilfitri will be beautiful with your friends and family at Kampung. Bye :)
Anyway, I wanna apologise to everyone that read this blog, to my friends and family if there was a mistakes that I've done before this. Forgive me. *Don't make me beg you!* So, I hope this Aidilfitri will be beautiful with your friends and family at Kampung. Bye :)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Al-Kisahh :D
Fiqa : Taikkkk. (Sambungan tajuk atas)
Najwa : Al-Kisah maka tersebutlah kisah.
Fiqa : Taikkkk.
Najwa : Sang Kancil datang beramai ramai menghadap Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Fairuz.
Fiqa : Mana Fairuz pakai sultan.
Fiza : Taikkkk. :D *sibuk jea
Najwa : Al-Kisah maka tersebutlah kisah.
Fiqa : Taikkkk.
Najwa : Sang Kancil datang beramai ramai menghadap Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Fairuz.
Fiqa : Mana Fairuz pakai sultan.
Fiza : Taikkkk. :D *sibuk jea

Hello everyone :) To all students of SMK Dato' Ibrahim Yaacob yg baca. Agak agak korang kenal tak siapa empunya shades itu? Kalau saya, sekali pandang mesti dah tahu punya. Lagi lagi kalau korg KRS or pelajar yg pergi Perhentian time cuti.
Niat saya nak buat pasal 'Si Dia' ni terbuka apabila bersemuka dengan dua orang Koperal Taikk KRS ni. P.S : Nama Taikk tu direka oleh 'Si Dia' ni lahh. Tahap sakit hati kepada 'Si Dia' ni mencecah lebih 100% tau? Saya pun jadi mangsa ketika di Perhentian. Naik angin saya dibuatnya.
Ok ok, first.
Babak pertama : Khemah ku hampir runtuh.
Pada satu pagi yg dingin, saya dan teman (Ikhda and Fiqa) menyertai perkhemahan ke Perhentian. Yg saya anginnya, pada pagi ni. 'Si Dia' tak puas hati, sebab kteorg lambat buka khemah. I meant, suka hati kteorg lah nak buka bila. Bukannya ada spender dia punn. So, 'Si Dia' dengan pantas nya terus memegang khemah kteorg and menggegarkan serta menjerit "Bukaaa KHEMAHHH!!" kt kteorg. Lagi sikit khemah kteorg roboh tau?! Pastu boleh plak dengan slamber 'Si Dia' je, dia pergi buka zip khemah perempuan aw *Khemah kteorg lah tu* Dasar Leftenan Miang betull. Kot ye pun, bagi lah siren dulu. Takpayah lah nak buat terjah macam Nas Ahmad macam kat Melodi tu. Kami belum cukup GLAMOUR ok?
Babak kedua : Shades buruk.
Situasi yg sama juga. Kat Perhentian. Kalau korg tengok 'Si Dia' ni pakai shades, cis. Rasa macam nak ambil and pijak2, pastu campak dalam laut. Dahlah melanggar peraturan. *Kami takboleh bawa shades or sunglasses aw* Nak kata makin macho, macam makin hancur adalah. Lagi macho pakcik bawa bot kat Perhentian yg senyum takde gigi tau. Sikit2 pakai, sikit2 pakai. Bukannya panas sangat. Nanti part mata je putih BARU gadis idamannya (cikHAFIZA) lari ke Cikgu Ainnul (Ops, terlepas sudahh)
Babak ketiga : Lawak yg tak pernah menjadi.
'Si Dia' ni kerja nak glamour jea lebih. Pernahlah, once. Dia nak attention. Dia buatlah lawak. Cehh, tenganga kteorg dibuatnya. Ingatkan jadilah sangat lawak dia.
Babak keempat : Gebang jea lebih.
Penipu tahap cipan sehh 'Si Dia' ni. Ada ke patut buat cerita hantu kejap takde kepala, kejap takde kaki. Mana satu betul ni? Siapa yg percaya, memang kau bodoh. Cerita sumpah tak logik.
Babak kelima : Bekas askar ke, kena buang?
Tak kiralah di mana jua beliau ada. Asyik2 ayat yg sama jea keluar dari mulut yg tak berapa wangi tu. "Saya ni bekas ASKAR!" Cehh, macam dia sorg je yg askar. Kecoh. Entah2 askar, prebet je kot. Haha! Kat sekolah, kawad pakai shades. Ber gegar2 plak tu. Bengkek.
Babak keenam : Taikkk.
'Si Dia' telah mencipta satu fenomena baru di KRS SMK Dato' Ibrahim Yaacob. KOPERAL TAIK! Tau tak? Free2 je kena TAIK. Hakikatnya, dia berak pun keluar taik! Fikir lah sikit. Kalau kteorg ni TAIK, dia pun TAIK. Haaa, Leftenan Taik! Amek kau, aku dah geram. P.S : Saya bukan KRS ataupun Koperal Taik. Ini hanya luahan hati teman sejati. Saya Prebet di KPS. :D
Kesimpulannya, walau mana pun dia berada. Dia tetap POYO dan POYO dan POYO!
*Pesanan daripada Koperal Fiza "Berhati hati lah bila berjumpa dengan dia"
*Pesanan daripada Koperal Fiqa "Kepada Tuan Leftenan Fairuz, Peace. No war. Matilahh kteorg kena kejar dengan dia nanti" :D
*Pesanan daripada Koperal Fiqa "Kepada Tuan Leftenan Fairuz, Peace. No war. Matilahh kteorg kena kejar dengan dia nanti" :D
2 Days, 1 Story

Hello everyone :) I'm back to merepek again. Ahaa! Nyway, I'm going to tell you guys bout several things happened to me and my friends in 2 most weirdest and enjoyable days of our life. *Well, not really for certain reasons* Well, this things happened on 26th and 27th August 2009.
26th August 2009
On this beautiful day, me, Najwa, was supposed to bake cupcakes ALONE. But, when Mrs.Lazy came into my body. Hanya Tuhan sahaja yg tahu betapa malasnya saya pada harini.
So, I decided to called Ikhda (kawan) but dia takboleh datang. Alasan, ibunda takde kat rumah. Langsung tak munasabah. Dia ada kakak tapi ehem. Perangai slack sikit bila kakak di KL. *Keep this secret*
Then, I called Fiqa (kawan) and finally. Dia boleh. But dia kena bawa Fiza (kawan) untuk datang ke Jalan Ipoh. Nak taknak, bawa jelah. Atleast bising lah jugak kat sini. :D Ok ok, janji jumpa depan The Store. Sebab nak beli barang2 cupcakes. So, bila dah beli semua, kteorg pun rush balik rumah saya and buat cupcakes. :D
Bila dah berbuka and stuff, kteorg pun decided nak buat icing for the cupcakes. In the same time, si Fiqa ni semangat gila nak buat donut. Nak merasa sangat donut yg dia bisingkan tu, dia pun dengan penuh semangat buat lah donut tu.
Dia main masuk jea tepung, susu, minyak, majerin and garam. Cehh, laju jea. Sambil2 buat icing tu, saya tengoklah kawan saya yg "expert" memasak ni buat. Sekali, bila dah masak jea donut tu, dia jadi keras macam KARIPAP punya kulit wehh! I laughed like hell!
After that, nak cover punya pasal. Saya pun pergi lah cairkan chocolate and salutkan donut tu dengan chocolate. Sedap and tak rasa sangat kekerasan dia. Ahaa! Seriously, Fiqa sendiri sampai tak sanggup nak tengok donut tu. Poor Fiqa. Don't worry. Ni kan first time.
And and, that night. Saya and Fiqa langsung takdapat tido. But finally, kteorg dapat tido pukul 7 pagi.
Sambungan 2 days, 1 story.

27th August 2009
Interesting day mate. Ok, harini kteorg dah plan since sebelum cuti sekolah lagi nak buat berbuka puasa party. Semangat wehh! Saya and Ikhda kemas rumah bagai nak rak. Memang semua tempat saya vacum. C L E A N ! Then, dalam pukul 4. Kteorg (Me, Fiqa, Ikhda and Fiza) decided nak beli barang masak di Brem Mall.
Bila dah sampai, kteorg terus serbu Giant kecil yg ada kat situ. Nak beli barang untuk Asam Pedas Ikan Pari. But 1 slight problem. Ikan pari takdapat jumpa. Asam jawa betul! But, kteorg pun chill ahh. Then, kteorg serbu Bazaar Ramadhan plak.
On the way nak pergi, suddenly hujan. Cehh. Dah lah baju saya jarang. Tak bawa payung plak. Memang mandi hujanlah kteorg semua. Seriously, lebat gila. Naik gila kteorg jalan terkedek-kedek sebab takut tergelincir. But, one of us. F I Q A, berjaya menjatuhkan dirinya di PPR Pekan Batu 5. *Kesannya memang lama* Kesian diaa.
Bila dah sampai rumah, Fiqa terus mandi. Dah basah. Saya pula, sempat plak ber-3G dengan Dian (boyfriend yg bakal datang rumah) Katanya, dia takboleh datang sebab hujan. Penipu betul lelaki itu. And then, saya pun bergegas nak mandi. Yang saya bengang nya, time nak mandi lah kawan2 saya ter jerit2 nama saya. "Najwa! Mana ini?! Najwa! Mana itu?!" Naik gila saya!
Yang paling best, kteorg takde AJINAMOTO. Fiqa dengan bengangnya terus bersemuka dengan saya yg baru lepas mandi ni and cakap "Najwa! Mana ajinamoto?!" Saya terus jerit nama Milla (kawan) and minta dia beli AJINAMOTO tu. Cis, yg saya geram lagi ni. Milla boleh lagi lambat2 beli mende tu. Si Fiqa sampai dah terjerit2 "MANA AJINAMOTO AKU?!" dekat dapur and depan pintu rumah saya. *Kesian neighbour saya. Nak sedia berbuka pun tak senang* Fiqa tak puas hati. Dia siap call Milla and cakap "AJINAMOTO AKU MANA?! Cepat sikit! Sayur nak layu dah nii!" Milla dengan serabutnya berlari ke atas dengan baju kurungnya. Tiba2, dia teserempak dengan 2 orang jejaka, yg macam pernah dilihat. Dia sempat lagi jerit and gelak. Rupa2nya, its Dian and Rizqhan! Dia pun layan lah dorang sekejap. *Dah lupa pasal Fiqa* Yang Fiqa ni dah tunggu dah kat depan pagar tu. Dengan tak puas hatinya, dia keluar, pergi kat Milla then rampas AJINAMOTO dari tangan Milla.
Saya kat rumah dah berlari ke hulur hilir, utara selatan, depan belakang, hujung ke pangkal, just nak hidang makanan jea. Letih wooo. Dengan memikirkan kehadiran para tetamu, *sempat pakai perfume* dia pun cepat2 sediakan lah. And the same time, si Milla jerit
Milla : Najwa! Laki kau nak kau yg jemput dia masuk. Dia nak bini dia gak!
Najwa : Bini dia sibuk!
*Dalam masa yg sama..*
Fiqa : Najwa! Mana periuk?!
Najwa : Kat bawah sinki!
Fiza : Mana senduk?!
Najwa : Atas tuu!
Fiza : Mana?!
Ikhda : Tu lahhh!
Fiza : Ohh, nampak2.
Fiqa : Najwa! Hidupkan api!
Najwa : Heh! Bak sini. Sekali jea aku tunjuk.
Milla : Najwa! Laki kau nak kau jemput gakk!
Fiqa : Pergilah Najwa.
*Dalam diam, Najwa terus pergi.
Najwa : Asal tak masuk?!
Rizqhan : Tuan rumah tak jemput.
Dian : Tah, ni tengah trauma kena kejar dengan anjing ni.
Najwa : Fiqri, asal tak masuk?!
Fiqri : Kte baruu jea sampai.
Najwa : Meh, masuk masuk.
Fiqri : Hai koranggg.
Fiqa : Hyee!
Then tengah Najwa cakap dengan Dian and Rizqhan, tiba-tiba Fiqa datang membawa sehelai kertas and cakap "Najwa, nyalakan api." Najwa sabar jea. Buat juga. *Thanks to Milla yg tak puasa sebab rasakan masakan Fiqa and The Gang. Kalau tak, mesti tawar*
Bila dah berbuka, kteorg pun lepak2. Finally, semua dah kenyang, Milla pun balik. Cis punya kawan. Tak rock. Balik awal2. Kebetulan, cerita TOWER 13 on the air dahh. Kteorg pun tengok ramai2. Si Ikhda and Fiza ni over sehh. Penakut nak mampus. Hantu tak keluar lagi dah menjerit. P.S : Bulan Ramadhan, syaitan and iblis kena grounded. Takde hantu ok?
Najwa bosan sebab tak seram. Najwa pun pergi lah kat PC and online. Diikuti Dian and Rizqhan. Nak bagi dorang entertain, Najwa buka lah satu video. Lawak gilaa. Habis semua drama2 penakut dorg tadi habis sebab semua gelak tahap guling2. Ahaa!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Facebook is sooo F**KED up!

My FB is soooo babi because tak sampai 1 year guna 1 account dah disable. Babi babi babi! Ok, I might sounds a hot temper but seriously, I'm freaking angry.
Letihh lah guna FB bangang tu. The way it organised is wayy too hard for me. And that's the only way to contact my other cousin especially the one that live at Sarawak.
Seriously, if after this. The same thing happen. Minta maaf, minta ampun. Memang tak sentuh web lagi dahh!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Ada Udang Di Sebalik Mee :D
Hello everyone :) Lately, I really have a bad week for me. But I keep ignoring and tried to avoid myself grumbles about it. So, I'm gonna tell you guys something that quite shocking for me. Ahaa!

First - Hello MTV World Stage Concert. (Platinum sits)
Yes, MTV World Stage Concert. Last week, I don't get ANYTHING from my parents. I don't even meet them so much. Suddenly, yesterday, 15th August 2009. My mom said to asked me "Najwa, do you want to go to the MTV World Stage Concert? If you want, you can bring 5 friends because I have 6 extra tickets." Without thinking anything, I straightly said YES to my mom. The problem is, I don't know who am I gonna bring because all my friends like busy doing their chores and some their parents wouldn't allow them. Hush. So, I asked Millatina *anak pak hamid* and Dian Hazri *boyfriend baru lepas kerja.* Ahaa! It's quite fun spending time with them. Seriously.

Second - Hello Kerang (Dian Hazri)
Ahaa! Very funny. I just can't stop thinking of this part. Last night, my mom brought us to Rasta *tempat makan* and ofcourse, my mom is a cockle maniac. So she ordered Kerang Rebus. When the cockle is served, my mom asked everyone to eat it lahh. We started to eat, Dian Hazri was like trying to avoid it. And when my mom gave it to him, dia pun terpaksalah makan. He looks very strange because he TUNDUK while pegang the cockle. Rupa-rupanya, dia takpandai bukak kerang. Haha! As he tried and tried, finally. Dapat jugak. But the second one, dengan penuh semangat dan bangga. Dia bukak the kerang and suddenly kerang tu jatuh. Hahaa! Oh Dian Hazri, luckly. You look cute when you forced yourself to open the kerang :D

Third - Hello Anak Pak Hassan (Millatina)
Millatina told me a story bout what happened to her one night. *And Dian Hazri was fallen asleep! Kesian dia. Letih.* One night, there was a call from one guy. When she answer it, that guy said..
Guy : Anak Pak Hassan mana?!
Milla : Huh? Pak Hassan mana?
Guy : Anak Pak Hassan, Ali.
Milla : Yang mana ni?
Guy : Alaa, Ali. Ni nak ajak dia pergi lepak kat kedai kopi. Tengok bola. Dah lambat ni. Mana dia?
Milla : Huh? Tak kenal lah.
Guy : Ni anak siapa ni?
Milla : Anak Pak Hamid.
Guy : Pak Hamid? Pak Hamid mana ni?
Milla : Pak Hamid lahh.
*panjang lagi ceritanya. tapi Najwa singkatkan je la k? *beberapa minit kemudian*
Guy : Duduk mana ni?
Milla : KL.
Guy : Ohh KL. Ingatkan ni nombor Kelantan.
Milla : Salah nombor lah ni?
Guy : A'ah. Mintak maaf lah ye? Ingatkan ni anak Pak Hassan. Ni nak ajak dia tengok bola kat kedai kopi ha. Dah janji tak datang-datang.
*Kesudahannya, lelaki itu cerita balik apa yg dia dah cakap kat Millatina beberapa minit yg lalu.
Ahaa, so that's what happened last night. It was freaking fun. *And I wish I can hug Dian Hazri again!*

First - Hello MTV World Stage Concert. (Platinum sits)
Yes, MTV World Stage Concert. Last week, I don't get ANYTHING from my parents. I don't even meet them so much. Suddenly, yesterday, 15th August 2009. My mom said to asked me "Najwa, do you want to go to the MTV World Stage Concert? If you want, you can bring 5 friends because I have 6 extra tickets." Without thinking anything, I straightly said YES to my mom. The problem is, I don't know who am I gonna bring because all my friends like busy doing their chores and some their parents wouldn't allow them. Hush. So, I asked Millatina *anak pak hamid* and Dian Hazri *boyfriend baru lepas kerja.* Ahaa! It's quite fun spending time with them. Seriously.

Second - Hello Kerang (Dian Hazri)
Ahaa! Very funny. I just can't stop thinking of this part. Last night, my mom brought us to Rasta *tempat makan* and ofcourse, my mom is a cockle maniac. So she ordered Kerang Rebus. When the cockle is served, my mom asked everyone to eat it lahh. We started to eat, Dian Hazri was like trying to avoid it. And when my mom gave it to him, dia pun terpaksalah makan. He looks very strange because he TUNDUK while pegang the cockle. Rupa-rupanya, dia takpandai bukak kerang. Haha! As he tried and tried, finally. Dapat jugak. But the second one, dengan penuh semangat dan bangga. Dia bukak the kerang and suddenly kerang tu jatuh. Hahaa! Oh Dian Hazri, luckly. You look cute when you forced yourself to open the kerang :D

Third - Hello Anak Pak Hassan (Millatina)
Millatina told me a story bout what happened to her one night. *And Dian Hazri was fallen asleep! Kesian dia. Letih.* One night, there was a call from one guy. When she answer it, that guy said..
Guy : Anak Pak Hassan mana?!
Milla : Huh? Pak Hassan mana?
Guy : Anak Pak Hassan, Ali.
Milla : Yang mana ni?
Guy : Alaa, Ali. Ni nak ajak dia pergi lepak kat kedai kopi. Tengok bola. Dah lambat ni. Mana dia?
Milla : Huh? Tak kenal lah.
Guy : Ni anak siapa ni?
Milla : Anak Pak Hamid.
Guy : Pak Hamid? Pak Hamid mana ni?
Milla : Pak Hamid lahh.
*panjang lagi ceritanya. tapi Najwa singkatkan je la k? *beberapa minit kemudian*
Guy : Duduk mana ni?
Milla : KL.
Guy : Ohh KL. Ingatkan ni nombor Kelantan.
Milla : Salah nombor lah ni?
Guy : A'ah. Mintak maaf lah ye? Ingatkan ni anak Pak Hassan. Ni nak ajak dia tengok bola kat kedai kopi ha. Dah janji tak datang-datang.
*Kesudahannya, lelaki itu cerita balik apa yg dia dah cakap kat Millatina beberapa minit yg lalu.
Ahaa, so that's what happened last night. It was freaking fun. *And I wish I can hug Dian Hazri again!*
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
life lately,

adding work? answer : freaking yes ! why you ask? answer : i'm bored being just a student ok? i'm bored being a daughter only. so, i decided to sell my own bag design and writing novels. nerdy huh? but, like i care. atleast i make my own money. ok ok, i also go to tuition every tuesday and thursday morning, which make me more busy as ever. *i love my life now* i just love to be miserable! oh god i miss Kuching. and oh god i hate this stupid wabak. fuck you H1N1! i look like a completely idiot wearing those ugly masks. but, biarlahh. if my mom say WEAR IT, then i have to wear. *its her money, not mine. last, i wanna ask you people. i wanna make money with my own hands. got some ideas? i dont want something that forced me to burn my things. i just want myself to be miserable. so, any ideas?
Sunday, August 9, 2009
kerana sayang, sanggup bersesat sebentar

What's up with the title? On 9th August 2009, my friend, Fiqri Syairazi, was having his birthday party at his house. Well, I'm talking about Bandar Country Homes, Rawang bebeh! Kerana sayang, me, Fiqa, Milla and Aiman went together by bus *duhh, the only transport that we're confident about.* But, when we arrived at Rawang, we have to change bus. And the driver said "Naik bas depan." Bas depan? There's like 5 bas depan ok? Sesat sementara di pekan Rawang. Ahaa!
Then the driver kejar us. Tunjuk the bus. *Ahh! Gila malu. Nasib baik muka fiqa tak merah* Then, dah changed bus pun, we're kinda suspicious that the bus nak patah balik to KL. But, dengan tiada perasaan malunya, Aiman saved the day! He asked the driver bus, again. And then the bus driver asked him something.
Then the driver kejar us. Tunjuk the bus. *Ahh! Gila malu. Nasib baik muka fiqa tak merah* Then, dah changed bus pun, we're kinda suspicious that the bus nak patah balik to KL. But, dengan tiada perasaan malunya, Aiman saved the day! He asked the driver bus, again. And then the bus driver asked him something.
Bus Driver : Awak nak turun mana?
Aiman : Turun Bandar Country Homes la.
Bus Driver : Yela, kat mana?
Fiqa : *Tiba-tiba menyapuk* Kat depan surau.
Bus Driver : Ohh! Nanti saya tunjuk.
(Dalam beberapa minit kemudian)
Bus Driver : Surau ada 2, satu atas, satu bawah. Yang mana satu?
Aiman : Yang tengah-tengah takde?
*Sebaris line tempat duduk tu gelak. And Aiman terus call Fiqri.*
Aiman : Yang bawah.
Bus Driver : Ohh, ok ok. Saya tahu :)
Bila kami arrived kat depan surau, sebenarnya. Surau pun kteorang tak jumpa. Kteorang pun duduk kat bus stand tu macam pendatang asing sebab tak berani nak bergerak. Milla call Fiqri macam nak rak. Terjerit-jerit. *Perangai ibundanya juga.* Then, bila fiqri sampai, We Felt Saved!
Bila dah arrived kat rumah Fiqri, GOD! I can't stop eating! Even though I am kinda full. But I keep eating! :D And ofcourse, bagi present, sing 2 birthday songs, blow up the candle and taking pictures!
*One of the song that we've created on that moment.
Happy Birthday to you
You live in a zoo
You look like a monkey
And smell like it too!
Crazy day, I'm telling you. Crazy! But, what the heck? I love my friends. Seriously, I do. Take this note and read this blog as an evidence that I really love my friends. :D *macam show off plak.
Friday, August 7, 2009
puasa nak dekat
As an islam, every year, Ramadhan will come and shine for a whole month. Part paling best, time berbuka. Huh. Makan tak ingat dunia. Bukan tu jea. Suka sangat mengharungi puasa bersama-sama dengan kawan (sebab masing-masing letih and amat memahami perasaan antara satu sama lain) Wait a sec! I wanna tell you guys bout thing that I MUST do before Ramadhan come.
Ok ok, tahap benci saya terhadap mengganti puasa memang tinggi. Saya benci ganti mengganti sebab nanti mesti kawan saya makan depan saya. Terpaksalah tahan nafsu ni. Naik gila jadinya. Lagi-lagi bila dengar kawan baik makan nasi, ayam goreng and belacan. Gilaa sedap! Jealous sehh.
Bukan tu jea. Bila ganti puasa time-time sekolah, boleh pengsan sekejap jea. Lagi-lagi kalau cikgu korang suka buat pengumuman. "Kepada pelajar tingkatan 2, sila pergi.." Gila menyampah. Setiap pegerakan yg saya buat akan buat saya letih dengan cepat. Yang saya lemahnya, kena naik turun tangga. Haish.
Last, bila berpuasa. Siapa cakap takde concert? Ada. Macam-macam lagu yg akan didendangkan dari perut ni. Sampaikan lagu Amy Search pun ada. Naik gila bila dengar concert start. Tanda-tanda lapar tahap cipan.
Kesimpulannya, saya kena ganti 4 hari lagi. *which means, lagi 4 hari saya kena hadapi setiap halangan bodoh ni. Tapi saya sabar jea.
p/s : jangan makan depan saya. nanti concert start.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Alyaa Zahirah Ali :)

Whats up with the title? First, let me introduce who the hell is she. She's my crazy yet best and freak friend you fool! *And she's one year older than me.* But, so what? I Love You Baby!
But why?! Why you must live at Kuching?! Stay at KL lahhh! Dapat pergi Fitness First together so you can have your six pack. Ahaa! And don't cut your hair! I love your hair!
Sorry tak text. Credit mudah habis. Baby, I really miss you crazily! *Macam couple plak.* But like I care. Why everytime when I'm free you're not at KL and when I'm busy as a bee you're at KL?! WHY?!
Nyway, I really hope we can spend time together crazily again. Seriously, I really want to. Cepatlah raya. And on December, don't forget to come KL. Duit banyak because raya. :D ILoveYou.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
what a life. i am desperate.

Ok, I'm having some problems.
I need to raise my money with my own hands and sweat. To me NOW, money is the only way for me to get away from everything that Ive tried to avoid. I cant stand hoping on my parents money. Its hard for me to ask them their money because they need to pay things that me and my sis need and did in the house. I'm willing to work like hell.
Maybe you guys think that I might like a loser. But thats me. I dont care. So, I think I gonna sell my bags. Well, Im gonna make it myself. Seriously, if I can work. I would. But Im just 14. So The Babs! Why cant 14 years old teenagers join the busy-tired work just for money?
I need my own thing so I dont have to share with my family. I need my own space which Ive hide since Im at KL. I need all the things just for me. Alone. Im sick of my family's problems. Im sick of things that I shouldnt know but Im the victim to know and settle up. Im sick of everything I hate around me! I just need things that I bought with my money so that anyone wont say "Alaaa, she bought it pun with her parent's money." It kills me because everyone tries to think negatively.
I dont want to take anyone's money. I dont even wanna use it. I just need it for me. Money. Why cant you grow just like trees? Living in a city, money can settle anything. Everything. Ugh. Cant believe, that piece of paper which is full of germs and much is so damn hard to get.
"Darling, anywhere you go, dont forget to bring your money. You're not gonna have something free out there."
Thursday, July 23, 2009
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