Thursday, December 30, 2010

Azrul Rezza Ruslan

22 Nov 2010<3
Finally, tersebar di facebook.

Friday, December 24, 2010

PMR Results

Thivyan, Yuvaraj, Penolong Kanan, Pengetua, Me, Vimal, Gunalan, Adib, Natasya.

All I got to say is Alhamdulillah. 

As I arrived, I saw my friends were taking pictures with the pengetua. So I asked my friend "Dorang straight A's? Gilaa ah!"  But then suddenly, the pengetua, the penolong kanan, and other teachers grabbed my hand and asked to stand besides them. And I just cant believe that I'm one of them. I'm just glad that I didnt disappointed any of my family's member and friends. 
Thank You Allah :)

*Congrats to all of my friends for getting awesome results! 

Monday, December 20, 2010

We're Still Cool B)

Me, Milla Tina, Hakimi Zakaria & Anuar Nazir :)

If you guys are like me, being curious all the time. I bet you guys have already viewed our Sunway Lagoon photos at Milla Tina's and Anuar Nazir's album. To me, every photos is like cool, awesome and stuff. But they are some prove that either me, Milla, Anuar and Kimi doesn't have the guts to show at facebook. So I decided to show it here.

Sunway Lagoon, we entered by All Park package which cost RM75 for me, Milla and Anuar. While Kimi, Mr-I-Forgot-To-Bring-My-Real-MyKad payed RM100. Aiyo what a waste. So, we took All Park package, we dont want to waste it, we crashed all rides. *Including going to the small slides* Of all coolness that you guys thought, they are some stupidity that I recorded while riding the most 'SCARY' Rollercoaster in Malaysia. Which is the small rollercoaster at Sunway. Here, try and check it out :

Actually, there are more stupidity happened yesterday that me, myself saw with my own eyeball. Malas nak cerita panjang. The conclusion is, we all still have the stupidity in ourself no matter how.

P.S : Ruparupanya, Milla tak cool jugak. HAHA joke. You're still cool dude.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tick Tock

*Gulp* Terkentut Najwa tengok benda ni -.- Oh yeah, its just around the corner everyone! Sedarlahh ye budak PMR? That is why, I run to Kuching. Heh heh. But obviously everyone keep asking me "Bila result keluar wa?" Damn it!

So, as I was reading this, *and also texting tuuuuuttttt* Miera all the sudden jadi background singer, singing this :

"Menghitung hari, detik demi detik, masa ku nanti apakan ada. Jalan cerita, kisah yang panjang. Menghitung hariiiii!"

Thanks Miera. Thanks for the pressure -.-
*But then, we open a tab and search lyrics for Menghitung Hari by Kris Dayanti and sings with all out heart. (We sounded like a wolve trying to howl. Seriously -.-)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


99.99% of the humans in this world judge people without any thinking. Most of it come from group of teenagers. It is kinda normal but is it necessary to hate someone after judging them?

Sometimes, I did like that too. But, nothing good happened. It all ended up with HATE. As an example, my dad's friend. I call him Pak Atan. He is not good looking. His skin is like full of white spot. It looks like ngeri nak mati macam boleh merebak but no. His job is cooking. Which is feeding other people including me. His cooking are aweeeesome! And he loves his children so much although they are soooooo damn annoying. Seriously, they are annoying -.-

Everyone in this world got their weirdness, weakness, semua yg ness ness lah. But they dont realize that the -ness is the thing that make them special. God is kind. Its the judging people make them feel like they are useless. Try to think bout it. But most of the people right now are covered with ego and blind. Too lazy to know people deep. That is why word CHANCE exist.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Shockingly wonderful :)

You guys are the best! For the first time in my whole life, yesterday, 28th Dec 2010, would be the day that Milla and Fiqri did not fight. HAHA I love you guys! 

Milla and Fiqri : FRIENEMY. They were forced to be great friends because of me. HAHA I do remember the last time we went Mid Valley. It was damn horrible because they fought like hell! Mencarut sana sini. Sikit lagi kena penampar dgn me. So yesterday, I was hoping my two dearest friends doesn't fight. Milla was already prepare to hear some critics from Fiqri but unfortunately, Fiqri was being nice?

Yesterday also, one of my shocking day because something happened. You see, my phone was in low bat. But I thought I told my dad that I'll come home late. As I arrived home, my dad was like angry at me but in the same time he hugged and kissed me? I did said to papa that I thought I told him. But he denied. So I was like "OKAY fine. I'm wrong. I'm always wrong and you're right." Then tibatiba keluar lagu Raise Your Glass by Pink which one part it said "So raise your glass if you are wrong!" -.- Shitt.

So yeahh, my parents were sooooo f*cking worried. Bukan my parents je, my cousins, my friends, everyone lah!Oh yeah, my mom almost call the police. AGAIN. As I charged my phone, shiooooo 15 missed calls? Gilaaa.   Jojo yg taktahu pape sangat pun boleh ter-worry jugak. Sorry all. I didnt mean to make you guys worried bout me. But at the end of the day, my parents were glad that I safely came home. Its kinda a lucky day for me I think?

Heh heh maybe its because of my new haircut? :D

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's Nature

Yesterday, I went Pav with my beloved Millatina. Its been a long time I havent spend time with her. Well usually we lepak ramairamai with her boyfriend and stuff. But yesterday, we planned like BFF day out. No boyfriend, no friends, no adik, no nothing. So I got 1 whole day with her. Awwww XD

At first, it was raining. But hell no the rain is going to stop us from spending time together! -_- Grrrr. But as we go out, the rain stop. Alhamdulillah. So, as we arrived at Pav, first thing I did was topup! I havent text Jojo since the morning. GAAHH! Then dah topup segala, Milla nak keluarkan duit. *Her mother gave her rm10 je* -_- But sokayy. Then terus pergi Nando's. Makaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!

Actually, we were suppose watch movies and stuff but tak sempat because I got that family thingie and Milla kena tolong mak dia with something so takdapat nak lamalama. So, our plan was suppose eat, window-shop and chow! So we went cotton-on.

Me : Hmmm, this is nice.
Milla : Yeah, jacket ni. Hmmm, cantik.

And we went the next store besides cotton-on. *Apatah, kedai baru.

PROMOTION! 1 item RM10!
Me : Murah and cantik. Hmmmm
Milla : Yeahh, skirt ni Najwa?
Me : Urmm, okaylah.

And Forever21 too.

Milla : Apa yg WOW! tu Najwa?
Me : Jum tengok.
Milla : Ohhh, murah -,-
Me : OMG, this purse. Milla! Kte dah taktahannn. Kte nak beli jugak! I dont caree!
Milla : NAJWAAAAAAA, janganlahh!
Me : HELL NO! I'm buying this!

So I cracked up first at Forever21. Bullshit -,- But its worth it. I mean, cantik whatt. Mama puji my purse. Then I buy a skirt at the new store too. Damn it. Milla is still good though. Sabar je.

And our last destination, DIVA.

Milla : Najwa, ni comel.
Me : *terpegun with this one owl necklace*
Milla : Najwaaaaa!
Me : Yes?
Milla : I'm buying this!

So, what I was trying to say since I typed this was : It's nature that girls love to shop. No matter how little their money are in their pocket, atleast mesti dapatkan something. So guys, be prepare. Kalau you guys date dgn gf korg, walaupun she ignore everything she see at the store, dalam hati dorg terseksa tau! *I know because I have a lot of experience* Sooo, janganlah kedekut dgn gf korg yeah? :D

Monday, November 22, 2010

Lukman Got His Wish

Ignore the "Tick tick" sound because I was IM-ing with Jojo. Heh heh.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Angan angan

Ceh buat penat je update blog pasal nak deactivate kan FB. *The boringness kills me slowly* Tapi results macam celaka. 3days after deactivate, activatekan balik. Tapikann, I activatekan balik FB ada reason. Tapi, buat apa nak bagitahu korg. HA HA! 

Life has been sucks lately. Here I got dua lelaki macam tutttt and seorang lelaki yg awww sweet habis habis lah! HAHA so macam, nak frust pun macam takde guna. Plus, Wan Ahmad Akmal Arif pernah cakap "You're still young." Act, I used to say that line to my friend but emm, yup. I never use my own advice. Macam bodoh plak -,-

Today, hehhh. I'm tired because ikut papa sana sini. But then balik, suddenly rasa lapar. So like yeahh, got some meat in the refrigerator and I added it with some ingredient that I just made it up on the spot. *Lupa dah apa ingredient dia* Dah campurcampur semuaa, then goreng it. At first I was a bit nervous because taktahu sedap ke tak, apa rasa semua. But after goreng it, I took a bite sikit and hey. Sedap wehh! Peeeewiitt pewwwiit! Not bad anak Najhan. HAHA! I was soo excited, sampai suruh papa rasa. *Ehem, papa puji* HAHA aww I like.

Oh yeah lately I got no ideas to write here at blog. Sorry bloggie :( 
Before I go, all I want to say is Jojo is cuteeee! And cute? HAHA 

But I'm much more cuter than him -,-

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha

Disebabkan saya tidak menggunakan FB untuk meng-wish, ada blog pun jadilah.

So. Saya Najwa Najhan, ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha kepada semua umat Islam yg dikasihi oleh Allah s.w.t. Sepanjang tempoh from raya Aidilfitri and raya Aidiladha ni, Najwa dah buat banyak dosa kat korg semua. Ye, Najwa mengaku Najwa pernah gelakkan kawan terjatuh, Najwa pernah TERtinggikan suara kat cikgucikgu and parents and banyak lagi. Oleh itu, Najwa nak mohon maaf dari hujung kepala hingga hujung kaki. *Eh kejap, raya Haji ni pun kita boleh saling memaafi kan? Confident betul aku. Papehal, it still got word RAYA*

Kepada lelakilelaki yg bakal mengikut ayah korg korban lembu esok, haaaa jangan mainmain dgn darah dia plak. Korg dah belajar cara menyembelih dgn betul kan? Haaa tengoktengok kan sikit cara ayahayah pakcikpakcik kat surau or masjid tu sembelih. Buktikan yg kita golongan remaja pun tahu cara sembelih.

Kepada perempuanperempuan plak, pakai baju kurung cantikcantik. HAR HARR sejuk hati bila abang and ayah tengok. XD

Monday, November 15, 2010

Byebye FB -,-

Hoyeah hoyeah, saya telah deactivatekan acc fb which means I'm not gonna sit infront of the laptop and online FB!

"Najwa, mana FB you?" "Najwa, why you delete FB you?" "Najwa, you taknak chat dgn I lagi ke?"
Soalansoalan yg famous. 

The reason I deactivate my FB is because, I dont want to watch some more drama. Plus, who cares? Bukannya ada yg akan tegur pun kan? Setakat "Najwaaaaa I miss you!" and "Najwaaa bila balik Kuching?" baik call je. Or even text, habis cerita :)

Everytime after I logged off FB, rasa macam nak maki hamun jerit pecahkan barang semua tau. But no one cares. Kesian aku :'( Btw Jojo, I failed! Gaaaaaaahhh, I should never stop texting you lah -,-

Monday, November 8, 2010

Apa status awak Najwa?

Waaaaaah sensitive betul dengan soalan macam tu -______-

Okay serious. Lately, makin ramai peminat peminat sayaaa *ehem* menanyakan status Najwa. Gahhh stress menjawab. Yesterday, I went to Milla's house. Sajasaja lepak before pergi camping. So, I took a taxi *like always* then when the taxi stop, I'll say "Batu Muda please." Yg sensitivenyaa, pakcik tu tibatiba tanya,

Pakcik : Pergi Batu Muda buat apa? Jumpa pakwe?
*Waaaaaaaah, stress betul aku dengar soalan tu! So Najwa pun cepatcepatlah jawab
Najwa : Oh pakcik buat lawak ke? Takdelah, saya mana ada pakwe.
Pakcik : Eish, tipulah. Takkanlah perempuan cantik macam adik takde pakwe.
Najwa : *Gelak sebab dia cakap CANTIK*
Pakcik : Kalau pakcik muda lagi, pakcik cemburu tau tengok perempuan macam adik ni ada pakwe.
Najwa : *Gelak lagi tapi dalam hati : PAKCIK, saya takde bf! Lelaki tak berminat dgn perempuan macam sayaa!*

Ada lagi satu situation yg sensitive. Perbualan ni di antara saya dan junior saya.

Junior : Kak Najwa, nak tanya sikit boleh?
Najwa : Haaa whats up?
Junior : Kak Najwaa ni single ke?
Najwa : Erkk, yeah.
Junior : SERIOUS? Okay. Tapikan, peliklah.
Najwa : Pelik sangat ke? -______-
Junior : Takdelah, tapi. Kakak ni hot lah!
Najwa : *Gelak & kembang kempis sebab dia cakap HOT*

So, I, Najwa Najhan, proudly to announce that I am SINGLE!

Now you know. Guys are not interested with a girl like me anymore. So yeahhh. Saya tak hot macam awak! Ye, awak yg tengah baca post ni. Najwa tahu awak hot orangnya. Takperlu nak elakkannya -_-

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Air Sejuk

Saya benci mandi air sejuk -,-

I usually hear that people love to take a bath with cold water. I know sometimes it would be refreshing tapi, kau tak bersin or sakit ke lepas mandi air sejuk pagipagi buta? And tebalnya lapisan epidermis and dermis kau sampai suka sangat mandi air sejuk!  Thats my problem. I'm soooooo thin, everytime I take a shower with cold water, I'll sneeze to hell almost the whole day. *Even though the thin of the skin maybe not related to any fact that I said* BUT STILL! -,-

Usually if I take a shower with hot water, it might be taking 20-30 mins. *Menikmati* But if its with cold water, it'll be 40-50 mins. Why you ask? Because everytime the water touch my skin, I jump like a monkey then I'll scream. *Terseksa*

So, the last 4days, I went to Johor, my hometown. Visited my grandparents, *Alhamdulillah, mereka sihat lagi* and I have to take a bath with very extremely cold water -,- First rule in the house, never wake up late. When I say LATE, 8am is already TOO late. So people rise on 6 or maybe 5am every day. When people wake up that early, people must take a bath that early too. And I've been sneezing terribly almost everyday.

So every morning, I'll fake a smile that says : OMAGOSH, I cant wait to take a bath.
Which actually means : Oh damn it. Cold bath in the cold morning? NOOOOOO!
And everytime after taking a bath, I'll fake a smile that says : That was a great bath! I wish I could bath the whole day!
Which actually means : OH SHIT OH SHIT, it's sooooo damn f*cking cold. OH SHIT!

So thats my story.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

You're just a one in a million to me.
Now, I'm afraid.

*Senyum dalam hati maki.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Something new

Pick a number. Double it. Add 10. Divide it by 2. Then minus it by the number you first thinking of. It'll always be 5! x)

I Wuf My Friends ;)

One thing for sure that I learnt from Cahaya Ummi is : Friendship Never Ends

Yeah, thank you Ummi. Without friends, gilalah kita kan? I mean, I'm no Isabella Swan from Twilight. Heee :) Friends, is a great thing in life. Some of you guys mesti sanggup buat apa je for friends kan? Kalau ada yg merajuk, kalau boleh, sedaya upaya nak pujuk. Gelak ketawa. Buat lawak bodoh yg sometimes tak jadi. Share some new information bout studies and stuff.

Best friends pulak, heee. It's much more than friends. We share everything together. Secrets, benda yg memalukan, problems and much much more. Like me, I got Milla. My mother, she got Aunty Nicole. A great sister, best friend and also cousin-in-law. Haaa amek kau. Friend since U till now. They are now in my mom's room, laughing, as I'm typing this. Jealous sangat. HAHA

Kawankawan Batu Muda, Najwa rindu korg. Najwa rindu Milla. Najwa rindu Haziq. Najwa rindu Aliah. Najwa rindu Liza. Ehem, Hakimi pun rindu jugaa. Alyaa & Yana. Heee. Semualah rindu. Bila nak hangout lagi ni? HAHA

Kawan sekolahhhh, haha! Ikhda jangan marah kalau Najwa tak datang sekolah lagi. Asya, hehehe. Adalah. Hidayah, Syaqirah, Azie, Fatin, Nor. Gang gang Poker. PRS (>,<) HAHA! Oh tak lupa jugak kat Fiquwie and Fiqa tersayaaaang. Yg tu lagi rindu. Naik gila tak jumpa si Cik Fiqa Yazid ni -___- Nyways, I'm gonna miss my friends. Berkemungkinan harini last sekolah. Oh sedihnyaa.

*Najwa rindu semua, sorry kalau yg takde nama. Kalau nak dilistkan, HAISH. Ramai!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Kakak!

Good Afternoon? HAHA yeah saya baru je bangun. For the first time after PMR, I woke up this 'early'. Habis pening kepala semua. Haish. Eh btw, yesterday was my sister's birthday. "Happy 20th Birthday Kakak!" Oh yeahh, believe it or not, I didnt wish her until we had a dinner yesterday. Sumpah adik yg teruk -____-

So, yesterday also got Graduation Day for Form 5. I was forced by Ikhda, *like always* to come. Katanya penting sangat, banyak kerja kena buat. Tak baik susahkan kawan lain. Sekali, sampai je sekolah, satu HAPAK kerja pun takde. Susahkan orang kepala kauu! Buang masa buang masa. Dahlah mengantok, takde mood plak tu. Aaaaah!

Then balik rumah, mama picked up pergi makan lunch. After that, ajar Kak Aimi main poker and 21. HAHA best! Skipping my activities on the afternoon, oh yeah. I slept the whole day. -____- Mengantok kot. Bila bangun je, dah pukul 6pm. Terbaikkk! Mama suruh siap semua sebab nak keluar dinner at Pav. So okayy, it took 2 hours for me to choose a baju to wear. Aiyoo, takde bajulahh. Stress!

As we arrived at Pav, mama nak check Redbox. RM75++ per person, no food, 1 drink, till 3am. TAKBERBALOI! Then terus pergi dinner dekat this one Japanese restaurant. Perghhh, sedapp! HAHA till today, I want the Kempura Ice Cream. Thumbs up thumbs up! After eating dinner, while waiting for the ice cream lah, my family main 21 card. Sumpah best. But mama asyik menang je -___- Mama siap cakap lagi "Kayalah mama macam ni." Gedikkk, takboleh judi! HAHA

After dinner, mama tak puas hati sebab takdapat karok. *Siapa punya birthday ni?* HAHA so kteorg pergi Neway kat Subang. Sekalilah, cousin cousin semua dijemput, mama belanjaaa. Kteorg karok from 12am till 4am. HAMBOI, lamanyaaaa. Sakit tekak! Macammacam lagu dinyanyikan. By 3am, I slept on the couch. HAHA tapi tak tenang, sebab dorg nyanyi lagu rock -____-

So thats about it lah! Heeee :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Saya Kecil ;D

Oh actually I'm so bored. I dont know what to do. Its raining heavily out there and I wish I could play. But no, I cant -,- Got petir and its malam! Scary ohh mandi hujan malammalam buta. *Melainkan kalau korg couple. The girlfriend pegang payung, then the payung terbang, then the girlfriend pun gelak sambil berpusing pusing, and the boyfriend try nak lindungi girlfriend dia from the hujan, but the girlfriend pegang tangan the boyfriend and menari in the middle of the rain* Trust me, korg mesti nak situasi macam ni kan? Haaa mengaku cepat! Tak mau lah tipu tipu, ini blog saya. I wont mind people being honest and sharing secrets with me.

Oh lupa plak yg kita dah out from the topic. Okay, today. I went to SK Sri Delima (SKSD). I considered it as a sekolah lama because I used to go to that school when I was standard 2 & 3. That is the place where I met Fiqri   & Milla. But unfortunately, everyone hates me. I dont know why and still cant figure it out until now why on earth ramai perempuan benci Najwa. So I was very down to earth person.

At that year, SKSD got 5 rumah sukan. Biru, Merah, Hijau, Kuning anddd UNGU. And I'm in the UNGU. Satusatunya rumah sukan yg dipandang rendah oleh semua student, including student yg dalam rumah sukan tu. Oh yeahh, Just wanna tell you guys that dulu, everytime got practice rumah sukan je, I always bring some canned drinks. HAHA kononnya, kalau minum air tu, tenaga semua berkumpul and boleh lari laju. So kawankawan semua percaya and minum.

But the end of the day, kteorg ended up BURPED antara satu sama lain. HAHAHA good times. Well, so thats it. My eyes are getting sleepier and I really need to sleep. Goodnight all. Au revoir.

P.S : The reason I wanna sleep early also because I'm stress out. Goodnight ;)

Another sigh

"You just wouldn't understand dont you?" 
"You're so unbelievable. You're dense."

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Where's my appetite?

First of all, I dont smoke. Just cant find the right picture but then, I guess the picture up here is suitable for my situation. Well, people usually smoke if they dont eat right? But seriously, I dont smoke. I've tried once and it sucks. Yucks. Okay back to the topic. 
Aiyoo, what's wrong with me? I dont eat since Monday, 25th Oct. I really need to eat because I'm too skinny. I look UNHEALTHY right now -,- Errr, but everytime I look at food, I feel like I'm full. Aiyaaa. I need to eat! I need my appetite back. GAHHH! -____-

P.S : Nasi Lemak Ba Alif Ba Ya please?

New Trouble

Oh no. I'm in a big trouble right now. Dont tell me I'm stuck with the L word again?! Nooo! Why? Why now? *blushing*

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Facebook Fever?

OMG I just LOVE her and guess what? I kinda agree with her about this whole Facebook thingie. Dont get me wrong. Facebook or Twitter is AWESOME! But ermm, well, its a bit too much showing all of our privacy dont you think?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bestprend poreber?

HAHA yes in did. I've hate her so many time. I've been angry towards her. I've jealous of her. I've felt like to kill her. But she just keep pretend that nothing happened and keep loving me. What the hell is wrong with you? HAHA takde perasaan ke? HAHA! Thank God she's still my bestfriend. I love her so much, I'm jealous if she is with another friend. *Perempuan* Cant you believe that?

But the thing is, no matter how much I'm mad and sick of her, damn it. Like after 5 minutes later, I'll just forget what happened and be nice to her. Just Like That! Milla, kau mandrem aku ke? So like, even though sometimes we ended up in a serious fight, well, 30 minutes later, I 'll be smiling and laughing with her.

2days ago, I was mad at her, because whenever I call her, the cause that made me stop our conversation is her new boyfie, Hakimi. She is sooooo in love with him until one day I felt like I was out of the picture. I mean cuba bayangkan, since standard 4, we've been through together and now, recently she just ditched me just like that. Woahh, I'm not the ditched-bestfriend person. Unless she's married with the guy. I wont mind. But take this note : I take friendship seriously. I dont even care if her parents hates me or my parents hates her. She's the only person that could be my bestfriend sampai mati. So, my family, must accept her no matter what.

She have seen the bad and the good of me. But most the good kan?
Oh yeah, Millatina. Beware because you're stuck with a monster.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Paramore Live In Malaysia 2010


HAHA 19th Oct 2010, Paramore performed at Stadium Bukit Jalil, Malaysia. It was awesomee! First, I'm not that big fan of Paramore sangat. But tahulah lagu dorang. Pergi concert ni pun dapat ticket free. Apa lagi, rezeki takboleh ditolak. HAHA

As we entered the stadium, dapat duduk tepi :( Sedihnyaa. So kteorg pun macam "Ughh, bosannyaa." Duduk jelaa, tunggu Paramore perform. Yang sakit hatinya, Kak Kelly received a mms and terkeluar gambar Paan dgn Hayley Williams. OMG, rasa macam nak baling je bb tu. Sabar jelaa. Then, dalam pukul 8.45pm macam tu, Paramore datang naik kereta apa tah. HAHA PARAMORE LAMBAT!

Awalawal dorg perform lagu Ignorance. My fav! HAHA semua orang berdiri kat seat. Najwa dah siap terlompatlompat. My gosh sumpah best concert dorg. Tak rugi tak rugi. HAHA then kteorg dapat glowing stick for free. I took 3 haha. Suka ambil banyakbanyak. Sambil sambil layan Paramore, I called Milla. Bagi dia jealous. HAHA sekali dia angkat phone, habis kena maki hamun. But lastly, ended up dia pun nyanyi samasama.

Last song was Misery Business. Gempak beb! Semua hafal lagu dia. HAHA then Hayley Williams ajak sorg mamat ni naik pentas. Bangang! Semua angkat middle finger. *Including me* Jealous wooo. Dahlah Hayley pilih dia, pastu Hayley tangkap gambar dgn dia AND peluk dia. Yarabbi! Jealousnyaaa. Lepas tu, Hayley suruh mamat tu nyanyi lagu Misery Business. Nasib baik hafal and suara dia boleh diterima lah. HAHA papehal pun, syiokkk wehh! Tak rugi tak rugi.

Then after that, lepak Rasta. Makan makan sambil mata layu. HAHA slumberr!

3 days in a row

OLA amigos! *Is that even right?*
Okay, sebenarnya, Najwa nak story sikit ni haa. Since the last Saturday, I've been hanging out with two dearest person which is :
Gang baru ke? HAHA. Btw, tiga hari berturut-turut dgn orang yg sama. But sumpah tak muak. Hari hari jumpa, hari hari ada topic yg nak dibualkan. HAHA our mouth just wont shut! Heee.

First day, 16 Oct 2010. Kteorg berjumpa dekat Pav. Makan makan dekat Pizza Hut. I came late. Suppose sampai pukul 1 macam tu. But my sister & her boyfie siap lambat. Plus dgn jammed lagi. Redha jelaa. Nasib baik bf kakak nak hantar. Sampai pun dalam pukul 2. OMG time Najwa otw to Pav, TERnampak sorg mamat ni muka macam Amirul Ariff! Dia dgn tuttttt. Takboleh cakap. Tapi tak sure lah betul ke tak because I was wearing my sunglasses in the car. So macam bila nampak dia je, automatically cakap "OMG aku tak buta kan?" *sambil merendahkan sikit sunglasses. Then after that, blablabla. Jumpa K & Wan, makanmakan, terus pergi Semua House. Nak cari parking macam sial. HAHA. Pergi Semua House sebab Wan nak belikan kain untk beloved mother. Aww. Then, kteorg pergi SUNWAY PYRAMID. Semata-mata, nak makan Tutti Fruity. But syiokkk weh. Sodap!

Second day, 17 Oct 2010. K & I tibatiba teringin makan Nasi Lemak Ba Alif Ba Ya. Kenapa nama dia macam tu? Erkk, malas nak explain. Wan pun baru balik dari kerja, so like yeahh. Kami bertiga samasama lapar. Wan pun naik motor dari tempat kerja dia. ADOYAI, boleh sesat plakk. Naik angin kteorg. Nasib baik tambi kat situ buat kerja cepat. Hilang sikit stress. Dah makan makan semua, baliklah kami. Perut kenyang, hati senang, mata plak yg layu. Tidur ahh apa lagi kan?

Last day, 18 Oct 2010. Kami bertiga dah memang plan since first day lagi. Slumberrr. Sampai2 je Pyramid, terus belok pergi karok. Perghh, murah and dapat makan lunch. Baik punyaa. Dahlah makanan dia sedapp. Plus dgn desert dia. Two Thumbs Up wehh! Karok plak 4jam. Keluarkeluar je, tekak semua sakit. Then, apalagi, bolot Tutti Fruity! YAYY sedappp. After that, me and Wan makan Pizza Wrap. Sedapp oh yeah! Then semua baliklah! Malam tu, me, K and Dak Normah pergi LAGI Pyramid. *Sebab semua nak beli baju untk pakai to Paramore's concert. Najwa pun tuntut ah birthday present* xD

Whatever it is, the results is, I enjoyed everyday XD

Friday, October 15, 2010

Genting Highlands

14 October 2010 <3

Yesterday, me and my friends went to Genting. HAHA we had a lot of fun. At first, all I think was about how cold it would be up there. But as I arrived there, the cold didn't bother me at all. Why? It was because of the ride. WooHoo!

You guys, first time pergi Genting, darjah 2 tauu. Time tu tak cukup tinggi lagi. Annoying gila. Cuaca pun tak bagus. So like bosan laa. Now dah tinggi, dah cukup umur segala. Semua dibolot! HAHA puas hati naik ride yg duludulu takboleh. *Tapi ride budak kecik pun kteorg bolot gak*

After playing at the outdoor, kteorg pun masuk dalam. Main bowling plak. Heeee at first, macam ada harapan je nak dapat tempat pertama, but then all the sudden, Haziq dapat strike -,- HO SHOOT! Lemah semangat. HAHA tapi takpe. I wont mind because we came to have fun. Then, kteorg keluar balik and main outdoors balik. I loike! I was screamed and screamed sampai tekak sakit. Part paling best sekali was "LIKE OMGGGGG AAAAAAAAHHH!"

Yesterday also one of the most memorable day for Milla, kan Milla kan? Whatever it is, I had fun yesterday. I will always remember and keep in as a sweet memories after PMR. Thank You Milla, Haziq, Aliah, Hakimi & Liza. I love you guys so much :D

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I've been trying to avoid the LOVE LIFE but some people just dont get it.
Stay away from me.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Someone I used to laugh with ,

Wowing. I can't believe what I'm saying but suddenly, I miss Syra Basir so much. Who is she you asked? Well, thats easy. She's my friend which I known for only 10 minutes and suddenly we exchange phone number and stuff. She called me one day. She said she wanted to come to my house. And guess what? It's 5 am.

But she's still a friend even though I don't know so much bout her. Her parents, home, siblings, anything lahh! I only knew her name which people called her SYRA. I don't even know her full name. People may thinks that she is a wild teenage girl or whatever. But not me nor Milla. Oh yeah, I know Syra from Milla.

Just now, I checked her facebook and myspace. No
update no nothing. I even checked her blog. Since she doesn't update anything so I just keep reading her older post and suddenly, she wrote something. The topic is Wednesday, 16 December 2009 - HAHA

She wrote :

Guys , i hang out to bb with sweety cute Najwa :) We plan last minute kot in this day too baru plan na hang out . At 4pm, we went to bb by monorail . Thanks god , dlm monorail ta ramai org . There was a sit for us :D huhu then smpai jea kat bb Najwa & i terus pegi buat fish spa . Haha truthfully , that was really ticklish . Haha just like someone tickle your feet haha that time i was laugh heartily HAHA

After buat fish spa , that was SOMETHING HAPPEN (!) HAHA something that i'll never forget :p

Just out from fish spa tu then jalan menuju ke Pavillion . Right side , ada kerja2 pembinaan tau then there was so many holes . I ta perasan , then i was drop in the hole . OO EMM GEE (!) There w
as a thousand of people at bukit bintang tu haha semua nampak kot , grr . Bila dah jatuh , bangun sendiri lah haha Najwa ta perasan kot . Then bangun jea i macam blurr kejap haha i feel hurts
tau . OH MY LORD (!) My knee was bleeding -________- I already told you guys that i hate blood right ? That time i sedar yg lutut i berdarah , i terus nangis kot . Idc lah depan thousand of peeps ke , million ke yg i fikir that time "i really2 hate blood" just like i will die jea , grr -.-" Then i cried more loudly after i sedar that i just finished up my fish spa (!) Grrr (T.T) Sedih gila oo that time .

I call all my friend yg ada car . But semua tak bole , bole pun lambat . Ah , first person i called actually Gajus but grrr apa2 lah that was something happen kitaorg sempa
t gaduh lg . Youu lah Gajus , i serious suruh youu dtg you bole kata you na makan dulu lah kat pavi tu segala grr . But when i end up the phone , dia terus text tny i kat mana :) hee but that time i ego ,ye lah tga panic enn nampak darah segala . I macam , aah what so ever lah . Blurrr -____- (now alreday 5am i still wrote this) .

Najwa lg lah kaku terus , she's more panic than i HAHA . Dia tlg tahankan taxi then terus pegi clinic swasta yg bedekatan . Grr there was a small clinic blkg bb . Huhu samp
ai jea , kena tunggu dulu enn . That time , Gajus text me that his car kena tarik dgn DBKL . Oo emm gee , poor you babe kena denda RM250 lg grr sorry i cant do anything . Then my name was called , i pegi cuci & balut luka jea kat clinic tu - RM20 . Then pegi Pavi balik HAHA sempat lagi tu ;p

Najwa & i lapar gila kot , we went to KFC . Haha my fav (!) I'll find youu chicken nak2 kaki dah cacat ni haha . We eat , eat , eat & eat a lot ngee :D

At 8pm , Gajus take us at Pavi then bring us back to
Najwa hse okay . *Gajus dah pegi amek kereta dia* Haha dah lah sesat na cari condo Najwa tu da smpai segambut segala padahal her condo was at Permai Ria jalan Ipoh jea haha . Grr smpai jea rumah Najwa , lepak-ing in her room jea , Grr , my knee was really worst kot . Cacat terus -_____-"

I really enjoy this day even dah cacat pun HAHA
P/S : Imy Najwa , thnkyouu for all :)

OMG, I just stared and stared and begin to realized that I have forgotten my friend. I was so busy with PMR and school life until I have forgotten a girl who once spent time with me. I'm so sorry Syra. It's almost a year now you're gone Syra. I really really missed you. Not lying. We all miss you. Where have you been Syra? We really miss you a lot. I couldn't just sit here and wondering where would you be now? Hmmm, I really hope you'll be fi
ne. Love - Najwa


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ramadhan ;D

HELLO HELLO people! Just dropping by to wish all of you Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak! Heeeee excited doee! Bukak puasa confirm makan banyak. Then after buka puasa, exercise pulakk. (Solat Terawih)

Today's menu for my sahur is some Sarawak thingie punya food. HAHA sumpah sedapp. And oh, yesterday Milla's friends and I celebrated Milla's 15th birthday! :') You're old and I'm so proud of you. It was fun. HAHA weirdly she called me for the last minute and asked me to make like a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY bena. Or is it bina? Oh whatever. My BM sucks. -.-

HAHA yang part paling best sekali, I asked Milla to tell Haziq to wear blue t-shirt and you know what? He really did wear blue t-shirt! HAHA sepasang dengan Najwaa. ;D So, as a blue t-shirt couple, *we're just FRIENDS* we were also the photographer couple. Kerja tangkap gambar jeeee. So, before we ended Milla's birthday, ofcourse. Ada telur. HAHA kesian diaa. I can't believe she really don't know bout the egg and my weird attitude of changing clothes and stuff.

Heeee and Milla and I pergi solat terawih samasama. After 8 rakaat, both of us sit besides the veranda of the mosque and talk till we drop. And we really drop! Both of us decided to baring. HAHA good times good times. I wish I could solat terawih with her for the rest of the Ramadhan. I think that's it lah. Heeee au revoir.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I just got back from school. Gosh. One word. Tired. But I can run from the fact that walking from school is tiring. As I arrived, I checked my phone. Straightly checked my inbox.

(no messages)

Like always. I sighed and reached my laptop. Online of course. I look back my phone. I remembered. Last time I got almost 100++ messages in a day was wayyyy long time. Frankly, I miss those moment. But what to do? I just have to accept that no one text me. Kesian.

Actually. I just witness a debate in fb. It's about how a group of friends suddenly collapse. There was 4 of them who tried to keep their friendship and 1 who just gave up. It's not my right to comment or say whatever bout this fight. But as a human that have religion. Breaking a relationship *friend* is a sin. I'm not gonna be ustazah but it's true. I hate watching people fight or hate each other.

You can't say people come and go especially you're one of the lovable. You CAN say that if someone died. You have to realize that friendship is the most great present that you've got. As you see, teenagers nowadays are more close with their friends than family. As an example : when you have problems and you need to tell someone. Answer me. Will you directly call your parents and tell everything or your friends? Or you have a great news bout things that you love. Is it your parents that you willing to tell first? Or your friends?

Give and take is what we teenagers have to do. I'm a bit disappointed of what happened. Imagine how's your other friends feels? You, moving on, happily. While other still waiting for you to come back. Can't you remember all the things that you guys have done together? Sharing all the laughs, sadness even scared together. They have other friends too but consider yourself as a lucky one because they love you more. But all you ended up with GOODBYE.

Hmmm, I know I'm just a kid. Underage. Not mature yet. But at least I know how to keep my friendship strong till now. The conclusion is, losing a friend is not the answer. I did this because I care.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Najwa's BACK

Hello. Yes I'm backk. HAHA lama tak update blog ni. Actually, I almost forgot that I have a blog. Thanks to my friend, she reminds me to update this blog. *HAHA*

Nyway, the only reason I didnt update the blog is I was in love. WAS. And I've broken heart as what happened. Trying to forget bout everything's that magically makes me remind of him. A lot of thing helped me. Counseling, school activities. And a lot of patiences. Thank God I'm okayy. HAHA

Last three weeks ago, I went to Kadet Polis's camping. And last week I went to PRS's camping. HAHA my parents and sister called me crazy because PMR is totally less than 80 days and I'm still camping and stuff. But I'm glad filling up my mind with some activities. Atleast it calmed me down and relaxed my mind from thinking something stupid.Oh yeah, last Friday. One of my friend pindah to Pahang. *Sigh* Why must everyone move now? Why not next year? I'm soooooo sick of my friend's moving.

I looked around, everyone's happy. Except me. Nahhh, I wont bother bout it lah. Forget bout it. This might shock you but, I, Najwa Najhan, Twilight's biggest fan, haven't watched Eclipse! What the hell is that?! Gahhh! This drive me co-co! I really need to watch that! I've been reading the novels again and again. But still havent watch the movie! AAAAAAAHHHHHH!

I just chat with my bestfriend, Milla. And she said she met Saiful yesterday. Aiyoooo. Why must she's the only one who keeps meeting him? This sucks. My parents wont allow me to hangout on weekends with friends anymore. Unless, my sister or part of my family ada. Baru boleh keluar. A bit suck eh? But what to do? This is the life of every person that want a success life on the future. In much clearer word, RICH LIFE. HAHA berangan.

So that's bout it. I have no idea dah ni. I promise I'll update again. Dont be mad at me dah! -.- Au revoir. Muaxh!

Friday, July 2, 2010

I Can't Believe It!

Keep on feeling shitty Najwa :)

I dont know what is that guy trying to do. Hurts my feeling? Itu sudah lama dahh. Bagi jealous? Lagi lamaa. HAHA whatever.

Saya meng-ignore dia dari hidup ni but I cant stop my feelings to avoid from him. I hate when I like someone like this even though he/she hurts me so much. A lot of things happened. But I wont forget a shit. I want to be friends. But I'm too UNDERAGE. So I was rejected.

Things that makes me more angry is that all the sudden that 'stuff' jadi bestfriend dengan that 'thing'. I'm sure you guys doesnt understand what I'm saying. But a lot of people noticed it. I'm soooooo frustrated. Heyy back off lah bitch! Ramai lagi kat luar sanaa. Sini gak kau pilih!

Huh whateverr. I'm starting to melalut because
A. I'm craving for Macaroni and Cheese
B. Wan Ahmad Akmal Arif makes me angry
C. I hate myself!

So thats it for today. HAHA eeee I hate this post lahh. KZKB sudah marahh online online ni. PMR nak dekat. Adoiiii, yela PAPA oii! -.-

Sunday, June 20, 2010

School Is Back!

Aiya, school. Not a great word to be remind of. So lazy lah! I can't find my other tali kasut. Semua hilang! Can't I have home school? So I don't need the uniform, the tali kasut, the school bag, and most of all, the jalan kaki. -.-

Although I miss my classmate. But I'm sure by tomorrow, I'll be screaming and yelling in the classroom because I can sense the annoying-ness in the class. But firstly, remind me to wish my friends, Kam Cai Ting and Kamil a Happy Birthday. Feel so guilty for not wishing them. And I'm still envy of them for getting a great results, and I don't.

School, gonna meet the boring, annoying, perasan, syok sendiri teachers. Gahhh! Why? Why?! I don't want to wake up early. I don't want to iron my uniforms. I don't want to pack my bag. *Sigh* But I can't ignore those things.

Nyway, I found something but it's kinda blurry. *Kau ni Adzam, takpandai pakai camera lah!* But it's funny because we end up covered with flour all over our body and faces. HAHA good time. Good time.

We were Form 2. 2 Diamond. HAHA

I miss this moment. With Fiqri around me. Always there for me when I got problems. It's hard for me to find that kind of friend. But now, he's not with me. He's working his ass of at Banting to get 8A's. I miss you Fiqri. Goodluck buddy. :')

Well now, all I got to say is GOOD LUCK to all PMR Candidates. Let's force our ass and brain out and get that 8A's together! Forget bout hangouts, money, concerts, shopping, whatever lah! Like my mom would say :

"Work you ass out now, and when you got the good results, you can enjoy as hard as you can! It is even fun to enjoy yourselves if your bank account is full of money."

Friday, June 18, 2010

My Observation :)

Holidays. Well, I got one word for to describe it. SATISFIED.
But still, it didn't reach to AWESOME.

This holidays, there's a lot of thing that I've been through. Its not that it's not fun or what. It's just, not the kind I wanted. Most of the days, I've been moody, tearing low, boring, unsatisfied, and all the emotional thingie. And ofcourse, I can't get rid of that feelings.

Firstly, I didn't have the chance to meet two beloved friends. Nur Afiqah and Fiqri Syairazi. I felt like a jerk by not lepak-ing with them. Actually, three friends. Saiful Shukri. Aiyo, terrible mistakes. I also kinda miss Millatina. Its been kinda long time I haven't meet her.

Secondly, I got stress bout things happened around me. Some aren't satisfied bout me. Some hate me. And some, played my feelings. Which is the reasons I got bad results. I'm more stressful when I have to think bout my parent's reaction when they find out I flunked every subjects except for English.

Well now, I'm trying to get rid of those things that make these things existed. After PMR, I'll be running away from all of this. Don't bother to find me. Cuz I won't be there. I tried to be a great daughter, friends, sister and students. I guess, I'm not that great aren't I? :)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Oh My God

Have you heard Oh My God by Usher ft Will.I.Am? Haha i likeee. Ni khalisa and kelly lah ajar ni.

Okayy, actually I just woke up. And something I dreamed woke me up. I don't know its a bad dream or a good dream because I've not being myself these couple days. Bad mood all the time. And last night, I dreamed someone for the first time. What was that suppose to mean?

All these days, I tried to forget that 'someone'. Hmmm. If you guys read this then, you might think that I'm crazy. :'( sokayy then. I understand.

In that dream, I keep on saying the same sentences to that 'someone'. Then 'someone' replied with the words I want to hear. And always there for me. But people doesn't want me keep on hanging with that 'someone'. They said that 'someone' seems to be dangerous. Some said 'someone' even doesn't exist. But I don't care. A lot of things happened. I cant even describe it.

I will always remember this dream. Let it burn in my mind. Because I know, it will come once in a life time. :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Saya dengan kurang bangganya memaklumkan bahawa tinggal lagi 1 minggu untuk bercuti ye kawankawan? Kerja sekolah dah siap kawankawan? HAHA saya memang tak sedar diri sebab saya pun tak sentuh kerja sekolah. Nyway, this is not the purpose I want to post this blog.

Firstly, I'm FRRRREAKING bored. Secondly, I want to tell you guys what I did sepanjang cuti minggu pertama ni. Well, saya malas nak kecoh pasal Mentor tuuu. Shadap ye sesiapa yg tengok. Then, sepanjang hari Isnin sampai Jumaat saya try nak avoid ang ignore semua benda yg menyakitkan hati saya. Saya contact rakanrakan yg sekepala sahaja sebab saya Activ10 kan dorg and saya contact cousin saya yerr.

Since kejadian yg menyakitkan hati itu berlaku, saya macam SUSAH nak topup. Soooo, senang kata saya takde credit AND PLEASE STOP ACCUSING ME DOING SOMETHING STUPID WITH MY PREPAID OKAYYY? Teman rapat saya sekarang just tinggal Ollie sebab dia je yg sentiasa ada di rumah dgn saya. Then, peneman hidup saya sekarang bukan phone, tv atau laptop. Tapi buku Twilight Saga yg saya dah baca beribu kali. :)

Oleh itu, saya ingin memberitahu bahawa jangan kacau saya sepanjang cuti ini sebab saya taknak orang kacau saya. Okayy? Thank you.

P.S Minggu depan saya nak tidur rumah Khalisa lagi sebab being there is the only place that I can forget everything I've been through.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tiba tiba ?

Wehh hello hello. Hidup macam biasa jee. Dah back to normal eh btw. Takde sedih sedih. *Alhamdulillah* Nyway, penat sangat ni kemas rumah. But CLEAN wehhh.

Actually sebenarnya nak cakap ni. Haaaa tibatiba rasa rindu kat tutttttt. Haaaa what the hell weh? Mati doe camni. Malu doe! Nak tegur. HAHA takpelahh. Bagi dia teruskan hidup diaaa and Najwa pun teruskan hidup cam biasa. Tapikannn, nak sangatsangat aww. Tegur dia. XD Ahahaha!

Bodohlah najwa ni. Whatever lahh. Tu je nak cakap. Okayy lah. Masa break dah habis. Kit kat and Snickers pun habis! Kena sambung buat folio sejarah. Au revior!

FYI : Saya rindu diaaaaa. HAHAHA

Friday, May 28, 2010

HAHA bodohh -.-

HAHA bodoh. Takde kerja lah weh. Nyway, lagu ni maybe jadi oral Najwa :) Next week bisinglah kelas dengar Najwa nyanyi. I likee.
Harini bosan gila nak mati oh plss.

Stars shining bright above you,
Night breezes seem to whisper, "I love you".
Birds singing in the sycamore tree,
"Dream a little dream of me".
Say "nighty-night" and kiss me.
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll missme.
While I'm alone and blue as can be,
dream a little dream of me.

Stars fading, but I linger on, dear.
Still craving your kiss,
I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear.
Just saying this:
Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you.
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you.
But in your dreams whatever they be,
dream a little dream of me

F.Y.I saya nyanyi tak best. sumbang and saya telah rosakkan melody original dia.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sighing :(

Its a relief you know. To cry the whole night. Release all the tension. Trying to forget all the stupid stuff that you shouldn't know. But one problem got into me. I can't stop crying. Ughh, why now?

Yesterday, I didn't study at all. Today I got History and Math. My worst nightmare. But, I just keep on crying. Wondering that so dumb of me hoping. Call me weird, cause I can't control my feelings. I really hope this mid year school holidays could cheer me up. And I hope I could just fake a smile at school today.

Papa always says "Start your day with a smile, Najwa."
I guess not today. Or shall I say, "Start a day with tears?"

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Questions :D

I text this to everyone I cares and love lahh! Friends ofcourse. I really hope they say its true. Although I got a lot of great, sweet and funny replies. Thanks all!

"If you see a word NAJWA, what two things that you think?"

Millatina : Best friend
Fiqri : Miss you
Baby : Fun and Crazy
K : SHADAPP and baik
Ammirul : I love her and I miss her
Rizqhan : What happened to her? Have she grown up?
Saiful : Omg, I miss her so much and Ya Allah kenapa dia cute sangat?
Dian : Rindu gila kat dia and dia buat apa eh sekarang?

P.S : Actually, ada banyak lagi but bagitahu sikit jee. Malas nak type banyakbanyak. HAHA thanks nywayyy! Terharu :P

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ketidakpuasan Hati

Uwaaa, saya sangat sedih sebab semalam tak jumpa Saiful Shukri! :'(
*Sorry sangatsangat. My dad forced me pergi beli buku dulu.*

Beli buku memang lah Najwa nak. But then, cari buku LAMA GILAAA! Mahu tak menangis tak jumpa Saiful. Bahbih! Takpelahh. Takde rezeki. Then then, hantar mama ke Citrawarna thingie lagi. Grrr, sabar jelaaa. Hmmm, dapat dengar suara kau(Saiful) pun jadi lahh!

AAHHH, aku masih tak puas hatiii!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Itsy Bitsy Spider

HELLO EVERYONE :) To all SMK DIY-ans, as you guys knew. I embarrassed myself. THANKS A LOTTTTT!

Friday, ofcourselah baca Yassin every morning kan. With the Pengetua and other teachers yg Islam lah. Like always, I came late pagi tadi. Time you guys dah habis baca baru sampai. As the cikgu baca doa, I pun like tadah tangan gak lah. Cari gang gang 3Diamond and finally jumpa. Bila duduk jea, I was smiling like an idiot girl sebab muka OBVIOUS GILAAA senyum tak ikhlas. Then something happened.

THERE'S A SPIDER AT MY TUDUNG! At first I was like "Tahan Najwa, dia kecil jea. Tahann." But then the spider like jumped towards me. Makin dekat doee! Apa lagi, Najwa pun menjerit lahh. Menangis nangis sampai berlari. BODOHHHHHH! Stupid spider. My friends pun pujuk and cakap "Kte dah buangkan spider tu. Relax najwa." Gahhh! All the guys tengok okayyyy?

Sumpah pantang nampak spider dekatdekat ni. Mesti menangis punyaaa. Babs gila kott. But nasib baik I answered English calmly. Thank God!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sooo unexpected!

HEY HEYYY. Today just biasabiasa. Exam BM susah nak mati. 5minit before kena hantar paper baru siap. HAH, sumpah susah wehh. Taktahu lah boleh ke tak dapat A niee. Sakit hati jee. Whatever.

Then pergilah study group kat rumah Ikhda, Taman Wahyu yerrr. Before that, singgah Tesco lahh. Makan KFC kat situu. Stress buat BM, so makan banyakk! I likee. Thenn, makanmakanmakan, tak sedar plak kat luar hujan. Hadoyy, then Ikhda called adik dia suruh bawak payung. *Crdt wa gak dia guna* Tapi tak kisah sebab yela ennn. Takde orang nak text dahh. Crdt pun tak gerakgerak.

Bila adik dia dah sampai and bagi payung, kteorg pun cepatcepat balik rumah Ikhda. Yang Najwa bengang nyaa, Ikhda sampai rumah, bukak tudung terus kemas dapur and sapu lantai and stuff. Najwa punyalah semangat sampai dah bukak buku, dia boleh organize sayur-sayuran kat refrigerator diaa. ADOYYYYY!

10minutes later, Syaqira and Hidayah datang. Like always, kteorg buat lawak bodoh kteorg. Then barulah ikhda join. Pastu pastu, kteorg bahagikan bahagian yg perlu diulangkaji then kteorg ajar antara satu sama lain sampai faham. OFCOURSE ada kuiz yg mempunyai jawapan yg bodoh. :DD

SKIPPING. After study, dalam pukul 7 camtu, minum Nescafe then Syaqira and Hidayah chowwww. Pastu Najwa pun sorgsorg buat bunga dalam bilik Ikhda while she's yelling and ordering kat adik dia. Dalam pukul 8.30pm camtu, Hidayah ketuk pintu rumah. Mintak Najwa teman dia beli pen, rubber, pencil and stuff. Soooooooo temanlahh! Kesian. Plus, my parents gonna pick me up LATE.

Ajaklah Syaqira sekali. Ikhda takboleh ikut because nak masak. Sooo, dah beli and stuff tibatiba nampak this one Indian guy bawak sangkar besar with one hamster inside it. And I was like "EEEEEEE, hamster! Cuteeee!" Then the guy dengar and said "Nak kee?" Then I was like "HAHA no thanks." I really thought that he was joking but all the sudden, he really insist. His wife pun insist nak mati.

*I still don't know what am I gonna name it*

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Laugh Out Loud

HAHA today was world most sakit perut and mulut because of laughing. It started when my tuition class ended. Kteorang beli Nasi Lemak Kukus and then pergi Tesco untk makan kat situ. I joined my friends sebab sengaja nak balik lambat. I'm guessing my parents would be coming home late again tonight. Sooo, lepaklah. Then, bila dah sampai Tesco, I ordered ABC. :D I likeee.

Nyway, back to the topic. I was eating and Ikhda told a creepy story I've been through while sleeping. I was like histeria because I screamed, cried and said something totally not me. Like killing someone and stuff. So my friends, Syaqira and Hidayah was like "Ya Rabbi." I was a bit shock too and still shock after my dad told me what I did while asleep.

Then Hidayah said "Kte lain tau Najwa. Time tu kte tadika. Malam plak tu. Kte teman kakak kte pergi rumah kawan dia. Semata-mata nak pinjam pen. HAHA then lalu lah jalan shortcut. Tempat tu cam agak keras tapi kte buat bodoh jela. Kte mana faham kan time kecikkecik. Then, bila dah balik rumah balik kte tibatiba marahmarah parents kte. Pastu kte tendang kerusi, meja, semualah. Tapi kan Najwa, kte marahmarah tu, awak nak tahu tak bahasa apa keluar?"

Then I was like, "WHATTTT?" Dia pun cakap "Kte marah dorg dalam bahasa Tamil." My friends and I was laughing like hell and Syaqira couldn't swallow her food easily. HAHAHAHA. Then she continued "Ayah kte time tu dukung kte and bacabaca ayat semua. Tapi kte bising je dgn bahasa India kte. Ayah kte pun anggukangguk semua."

Then we laughed again. Next, we talked bout other things. I kinda forgot but SERIOUSLY its funny. Lamalama kteorg semua diam. Ikhda pun cakap "OKAYYY soalan kuiz Geo!" As she asked several questions, Syaqira and I cant stop answering it. Hidayah was a bit annoyed because takdapat jawab. Then Ikhda asked this question.

Ikhda :Kawasan manakah yg terima hujan paling banyak?
Najwa : Bukit Larut!
Ikhda : Yes, lagi satu?
Syaqira : Long! Erkk, long angah?
Ikhda : Tak tak. Salah.
Hidayah : Finally, Syaqira taktahu. Aku nak jawabb!
Syaqira : Long man? Long kang? Long kah? Long stick?
Hidayah : Diam lah wehh! Long ngah? Long kehh?
Hidayah : Long AMMAA *Mother in Tamil*
Najwa : HAHAHAHA hantu India tu rasuk dia lagi!
Ikhda and Syaqira : HAHAHAHAHA

Then we carried on bout our silly conversation until 7pm. Then, they sent me at the bus stop and I balik lahh! :D Great dayy. Great dayy.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Thoughts

HELLO EVERYONE. Ladies and gentlemen, I dont have any other places to tell what me and my thoughts 'Luahan Hati' :P To me, this blog is already my diary. Except that can be read by any person.

Like I said, my life SUCKS.

But I remember an Australia professor, Avril Lavigne Stein said :
Why you have to go and make things so complicated? I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated. Life's like this you, and you fall and you crawl and you break
and you take what you get and you turn it into honesty and promise me I'm never gonna find you fake it. No no no.

But sometimes, I remind myself bout what Professors at All American Rejects group in Ohio :
When you see my face , hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell.
When you walk my way, hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell.

Still, sometimes I agree with Madam Kelly Clarkson from England :
Because we belong together now. Forever united here somehow.
Yeah you got a piece of me. And honestly, my life would suck without you.

Speaking bout that, I bet you guys know how Doctor Ne-Yo and Miss Rihanna from Paris said past few years :
And I hate how much I love you boy. I can't stand how much I need you. And I hate how much I love you boy
But I just can't let you go. And I hate that I love you so.

But most of all, I really thinks that she is right :
Isn't anyone tryin to find me? Won't somebody come take me home?
It's a damn cold night! Trying to figure out this life.
Wont you take me by the hand take me somewhere new?
I dont know who you are but I... I'm with you.