Nyway, the only reason I didnt update the blog is I was in love. WAS. And I've broken heart as what happened. Trying to forget bout everything's that magically makes me remind of him. A lot of thing helped me. Counseling, school activities. And a lot of patiences. Thank God I'm okayy. HAHA
Last three weeks ago, I went to Kadet Polis's camping. And last week I went to PRS's camping. HAHA my parents and sister called me crazy because PMR is totally less than 80 days and I'm still camping and stuff. But I'm glad filling up my mind with some activities. Atleast it calmed me down and relaxed my mind from thinking something stupid.Oh yeah, last Friday. One of my friend pindah to Pahang. *Sigh* Why must everyone move now? Why not next year? I'm soooooo sick of my friend's moving.
I looked around, everyone's happy. Except me. Nahhh, I wont bother bout it lah. Forget bout it. This might shock you but, I, Najwa Najhan, Twilight's biggest fan, haven't watched Eclipse! What the hell is that?! Gahhh! This drive me co-co! I really need to watch that! I've been reading the novels again and again. But still havent watch the movie! AAAAAAAHHHHHH!
I just chat with my bestfriend, Milla. And she said she met Saiful yesterday. Aiyoooo. Why must she's the only one who keeps meeting him? This sucks. My parents wont allow me to hangout on weekends with friends anymore. Unless, my sister or part of my family ada. Baru boleh keluar. A bit suck eh? But what to do? This is the life of every person that want a success life on the future. In much clearer word, RICH LIFE. HAHA berangan.
So that's bout it. I have no idea dah ni. I promise I'll update again. Dont be mad at me dah! -.- Au revoir. Muaxh!