Wowing. I can't believe what I'm saying but suddenly, I miss Syra Basir so much. Who is she you asked? Well, thats easy. She's my friend which I known for only 10 minutes and suddenly we exchange phone number and stuff. She called me one day. She said she wanted to come to my house. And guess what? It's 5 am.
But she's still a friend even though I don't know so much bout her. Her parents, home, siblings, anything lahh! I only knew her name which people called her SYRA. I don't even know her full name. People may thinks that she is a wild teenage girl or whatever. But not me nor Milla. Oh yeah, I know Syra from Milla.
Just now, I checked her facebook and myspace. No
update no nothing. I even checked her blog. Since she doesn't update anything so I just keep reading her older post and suddenly, she wrote something. The topic is Wednesday, 16 December 2009 - HAHA
She wrote :
Guys , i hang out to bb with sweety cute Najwa :) We plan last minute kot in this day too baru plan na hang out . At 4pm, we went to bb by monorail . Thanks god , dlm monorail ta ramai org . There was a sit for us :D huhu then smpai jea kat bb Najwa & i terus pegi buat fish spa . Haha truthfully , that was really ticklish . Haha just like someone tickle your feet haha that time i was laugh heartily HAHA
After buat fish spa , that was SOMETHING HAPPEN (!) HAHA something that i'll never forget :p
Just out from fish spa tu then jalan menuju ke Pavillion . Right side , ada kerja2 pembinaan tau then there was so many holes . I ta perasan , then i was drop in the hole . OO EMM GEE (!) There w
as a thousand of people at bukit bintang tu haha semua nampak kot , grr . Bila dah jatuh , bangun sendiri lah haha Najwa ta perasan kot . Then bangun jea i macam blurr kejap haha i feel hurts
tau . OH MY LORD (!) My knee was bleeding -________- I already told you guys that i hate blood right ? That time i sedar yg lutut i berdarah , i terus nangis kot . Idc lah depan thousand of peeps ke , million ke yg i fikir that time "i really2 hate blood" just like i will die jea , grr -.-" Then i cried more loudly after i sedar that i just finished up my fish spa (!) Grrr (T.T) Sedih gila oo that time .
I call all my friend yg ada car . But semua tak bole , bole pun lambat . Ah , first person i called actually Gajus but grrr apa2 lah that was something happen kitaorg sempa
t gaduh lg . Youu lah Gajus , i serious suruh youu dtg you bole kata you na makan dulu lah kat pavi tu segala grr . But when i end up the phone , dia terus text tny i kat mana :) hee but that time i ego ,ye lah tga panic enn nampak darah segala . I macam , aah what so ever lah . Blurrr -____- (now alreday 5am i still wrote this) .
Najwa lg lah kaku terus , she's more panic than i HAHA . Dia tlg tahankan taxi then terus pegi clinic swasta yg bedekatan . Grr there was a small clinic blkg bb . Huhu samp
ai jea , kena tunggu dulu enn . That time , Gajus text me that his car kena tarik dgn DBKL . Oo emm gee , poor you babe kena denda RM250 lg grr sorry i cant do anything . Then my name was called , i pegi cuci & balut luka jea kat clinic tu - RM20 . Then pegi Pavi balik HAHA sempat lagi tu ;p
Najwa & i lapar gila kot , we went to KFC . Haha my fav (!) I'll find youu chicken nak2 kaki dah cacat ni haha . We eat , eat , eat & eat a lot ngee :D
At 8pm , Gajus take us at Pavi then bring us back to
Najwa hse okay . *Gajus dah pegi amek kereta dia* Haha dah lah sesat na cari condo Najwa tu da smpai segambut segala padahal her condo was at Permai Ria jalan Ipoh jea haha . Grr smpai jea rumah Najwa , lepak-ing in her room jea , Grr , my knee was really worst kot . Cacat terus -_____-"
I really enjoy this day even dah cacat pun HAHA
P/S : Imy Najwa , thnkyouu for all :)
OMG, I just stared and stared and begin to realized that I have forgotten my friend. I was so busy with PMR and school life until I have forgotten a girl who once spent time with me. I'm so sorry Syra. It's almost a year now you're gone Syra. I really really missed you. Not lying. We all miss you. Where have you been Syra? We really miss you a lot. I couldn't just sit here and wondering where would you be now? Hmmm, I really hope you'll be fi
ne. Love - Najwa
