Come on la. Bodoh pun ada juga lelaki ni. Yesterday, he wanted me to not disturb him. Huh?! And he also said "U can do whatever u want la." WTH?! The only thing when he's around, I want to be with him! I told him a million times. Bodoh tak?
Yesterday, he suddenly sat besides my classmates : Mimi Azlina. In my head like "Hello? Are u playing with me? Cuz i dont have a mood here!" Shit. That Mimi is a good girl. And now I kinda hate her. He was like gila peramah with Mimi. HELLO! IM JEALOUS HERE!
Then, it was Agama period. Hayoo. Boleh pulak lelaki ni rapat dengan Mimi. Ugh! ARIEF DANIAL! Why are u doing this to me?! Bila masuk kelas, lalu sebelah Najwa tak tegur pun. Rasa macam nak tampar je lelaki ni.
Next, time BI. Mimi tak faham apa our new teacher ajar. Instead of asking her BFF : Ros, she suddenly rapat and asked him. What?! Ughh!!!!
On the night. Dalam pukul berapa tah, suddenly he texted me and said "I LOVE U". Is this a game?
Yesterday, he suddenly sat besides my classmates : Mimi Azlina. In my head like "Hello? Are u playing with me? Cuz i dont have a mood here!" Shit. That Mimi is a good girl. And now I kinda hate her. He was like gila peramah with Mimi. HELLO! IM JEALOUS HERE!
Then, it was Agama period. Hayoo. Boleh pulak lelaki ni rapat dengan Mimi. Ugh! ARIEF DANIAL! Why are u doing this to me?! Bila masuk kelas, lalu sebelah Najwa tak tegur pun. Rasa macam nak tampar je lelaki ni.
Next, time BI. Mimi tak faham apa our new teacher ajar. Instead of asking her BFF : Ros, she suddenly rapat and asked him. What?! Ughh!!!!
On the night. Dalam pukul berapa tah, suddenly he texted me and said "I LOVE U". Is this a game?