Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I miss you twin :'(

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Once upon a time

I just realized this video and we were taking picture but my mistakes because I clicked the video button. And we managed to make the same pose. HAHA

Wrong question

Remember the story entitle "Little Red Riding Hood" where your dad or mom or Barney used to tell it to us and there's one part when the wolf acted like her grandmother so that he could trick her? Let me remind you the question that Little Red Riding Hood asked.

"Why is your eyes so big?"
"For better to look at you my dear."
"Why is your ears so big?"
"For better to listens to you my dear."
"Why is your teeth so big?"
"For better to eat up you my dear!"

Well, if I listen to my mom telling me bedtime story bout that, I would be hiding under my blanket, if I was back 4 years old. Heh heh. But thats not the main story that I wanna tell you. This might be embarrassing but stop asking me this question wont you?! Lately, everyone is Little Red Riding Hood to me. Asking me one simple particular easy question that make me annoyed. *Including my mom -.-

"Why is your butt so big?"

Gosh! That is freaking annoying! What should I answer? "For better to sit on you my dear?" Dude, its my ass. If its big, then its big! Dont blame me, blame the food that straight away moves to my ass. Or you guys just jealous? *eyebrow* So as a conclusion, dont ask that question AGAIN! Its my assets. HAHA

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Home sweet home. 
Never gonna come back to that horrible school. 
Will update later. 

Thursday, May 12, 2011


There's twin at my asrama. They are more to nerdy looks because they wear specs and there's always a book that they have to read. Everytime I ask "Arent you guys tired of reading books?" They just said "Entah."

Whatever, what I actually wanna say was this. One day, as I was taking my wuduk. I overheard the twins were like punching each other hands and then suddenly they acted like they're in a boxing competition. Kinda awkward for me lah. Then, they splashed the water to each other. Suddenly, one of them were upset. So she made her sad face. Then the other one said "Eleh, kuat merajuk. Kau ingat buat muka macamtu kau cantik lah? Buruk muka." Then I laughed like hell because they are twins, they look the same and one of them said that her twin was ugly.

HAHAHA lawak tak? Lawak kan? Please cakap lawak. Because I am now lack of funny stories. Thanks to asrama though.

Return of Najwa Najhan

Hello, yellow, mellow, fellow, gellow, *now I'm starting to blaberring*

Oh how I miss this blog! Well, not so proudly to say that I'm in the second week of exam. I got another week to go then I'll be going to Gunung Senyum *camping* then school 1 week then I'm off to Kuala Lumpur bebeh! Confirm muka hitam -.-

Nyways, I'm sick and tired to be call gemuk and buncit nowadays -.- Like shitt, I cant denied and I still cant accept the fact and reality that I am fat. Buncit nak mati. I've been doing 25 sit up in the morning and another 25 before going to sleep. But still no change. Add with puasa lagi. Gosh! Susahnya nak kurus!

Idk how to face my family and most important : JOJO. He is like getting more fit and skinnier day by day and I'm fattening day by day. This is sooooooo unfair! I wanna be skinny too! I dont want this vuncit vuncit thingie! Sooooo freaking fugly! Definitely not gonna face him looking like this X(

Well whatever because one day I will be skinny like I used to be. MARK MY WORD! >:(