Good Afternoon? HAHA yeah saya baru je bangun. For the first time after PMR, I woke up this 'early'. Habis pening kepala semua. Haish. Eh btw, yesterday was my sister's birthday. "Happy 20th Birthday Kakak!" Oh yeahh, believe it or not, I didnt wish her until we had a dinner yesterday. Sumpah adik yg teruk -____-
So, yesterday also got Graduation Day for Form 5. I was forced by Ikhda, *like always* to come. Katanya penting sangat, banyak kerja kena buat. Tak baik susahkan kawan lain. Sekali, sampai je sekolah, satu HAPAK kerja pun takde. Susahkan orang kepala kauu! Buang masa buang masa. Dahlah mengantok, takde mood plak tu. Aaaaah!
Then balik rumah, mama picked up pergi makan lunch. After that, ajar Kak Aimi main poker and 21. HAHA best! Skipping my activities on the afternoon, oh yeah. I slept the whole day. -____- Mengantok kot. Bila bangun je, dah pukul 6pm. Terbaikkk! Mama suruh siap semua sebab nak keluar dinner at Pav. So okayy, it took 2 hours for me to choose a baju to wear. Aiyoo, takde bajulahh. Stress!
As we arrived at Pav, mama nak check Redbox. RM75++ per person, no food, 1 drink, till 3am. TAKBERBALOI! Then terus pergi dinner dekat this one Japanese restaurant. Perghhh, sedapp! HAHA till today, I want the Kempura Ice Cream. Thumbs up thumbs up! After eating dinner, while waiting for the ice cream lah, my family main 21 card. Sumpah best. But mama asyik menang je -___- Mama siap cakap lagi "Kayalah mama macam ni." Gedikkk, takboleh judi! HAHA
After dinner, mama tak puas hati sebab takdapat karok. *Siapa punya birthday ni?* HAHA so kteorg pergi Neway kat Subang. Sekalilah, cousin cousin semua dijemput, mama belanjaaa. Kteorg karok from 12am till 4am. HAMBOI, lamanyaaaa. Sakit tekak! Macammacam lagu dinyanyikan. By 3am, I slept on the couch. HAHA tapi tak tenang, sebab dorg nyanyi lagu rock -____-
So thats about it lah! Heeee :)
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Saya Kecil ;D
Oh actually I'm so bored. I dont know what to do. Its raining heavily out there and I wish I could play. But no, I cant -,- Got petir and its malam! Scary ohh mandi hujan malammalam buta. *Melainkan kalau korg couple. The girlfriend pegang payung, then the payung terbang, then the girlfriend pun gelak sambil berpusing pusing, and the boyfriend try nak lindungi girlfriend dia from the hujan, but the girlfriend pegang tangan the boyfriend and menari in the middle of the rain* Trust me, korg mesti nak situasi macam ni kan? Haaa mengaku cepat! Tak mau lah tipu tipu, ini blog saya. I wont mind people being honest and sharing secrets with me.
Oh lupa plak yg kita dah out from the topic. Okay, today. I went to SK Sri Delima (SKSD). I considered it as a sekolah lama because I used to go to that school when I was standard 2 & 3. That is the place where I met Fiqri & Milla. But unfortunately, everyone hates me. I dont know why and still cant figure it out until now why on earth ramai perempuan benci Najwa. So I was very down to earth person.
At that year, SKSD got 5 rumah sukan. Biru, Merah, Hijau, Kuning anddd UNGU. And I'm in the UNGU. Satusatunya rumah sukan yg dipandang rendah oleh semua student, including student yg dalam rumah sukan tu. Oh yeahh, Just wanna tell you guys that dulu, everytime got practice rumah sukan je, I always bring some canned drinks. HAHA kononnya, kalau minum air tu, tenaga semua berkumpul and boleh lari laju. So kawankawan semua percaya and minum.
But the end of the day, kteorg ended up BURPED antara satu sama lain. HAHAHA good times. Well, so thats it. My eyes are getting sleepier and I really need to sleep. Goodnight all. Au revoir.
Oh lupa plak yg kita dah out from the topic. Okay, today. I went to SK Sri Delima (SKSD). I considered it as a sekolah lama because I used to go to that school when I was standard 2 & 3. That is the place where I met Fiqri & Milla. But unfortunately, everyone hates me. I dont know why and still cant figure it out until now why on earth ramai perempuan benci Najwa. So I was very down to earth person.
At that year, SKSD got 5 rumah sukan. Biru, Merah, Hijau, Kuning anddd UNGU. And I'm in the UNGU. Satusatunya rumah sukan yg dipandang rendah oleh semua student, including student yg dalam rumah sukan tu. Oh yeahh, Just wanna tell you guys that dulu, everytime got practice rumah sukan je, I always bring some canned drinks. HAHA kononnya, kalau minum air tu, tenaga semua berkumpul and boleh lari laju. So kawankawan semua percaya and minum.
But the end of the day, kteorg ended up BURPED antara satu sama lain. HAHAHA good times. Well, so thats it. My eyes are getting sleepier and I really need to sleep. Goodnight all. Au revoir.
P.S : The reason I wanna sleep early also because I'm stress out. Goodnight ;)
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Where's my appetite?
First of all, I dont smoke. Just cant find the right picture but then, I guess the picture up here is suitable for my situation. Well, people usually smoke if they dont eat right? But seriously, I dont smoke. I've tried once and it sucks. Yucks. Okay back to the topic.
Aiyoo, what's wrong with me? I dont eat since Monday, 25th Oct. I really need to eat because I'm too skinny. I look UNHEALTHY right now -,- Errr, but everytime I look at food, I feel like I'm full. Aiyaaa. I need to eat! I need my appetite back. GAHHH! -____-
P.S : Nasi Lemak Ba Alif Ba Ya please?
New Trouble
Oh no. I'm in a big trouble right now. Dont tell me I'm stuck with the L word again?! Nooo! Why? Why now? *blushing*
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Facebook Fever?
OMG I just LOVE her and guess what? I kinda agree with her about this whole Facebook thingie. Dont get me wrong. Facebook or Twitter is AWESOME! But ermm, well, its a bit too much showing all of our privacy dont you think?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Bestprend poreber?
But the thing is, no matter how much I'm mad and sick of her, damn it. Like after 5 minutes later, I'll just forget what happened and be nice to her. Just Like That! Milla, kau mandrem aku ke? So like, even though sometimes we ended up in a serious fight, well, 30 minutes later, I 'll be smiling and laughing with her.
2days ago, I was mad at her, because whenever I call her, the cause that made me stop our conversation is her new boyfie, Hakimi. She is sooooo in love with him until one day I felt like I was out of the picture. I mean cuba bayangkan, since standard 4, we've been through together and now, recently she just ditched me just like that. Woahh, I'm not the ditched-bestfriend person. Unless she's married with the guy. I wont mind. But take this note : I take friendship seriously. I dont even care if her parents hates me or my parents hates her. She's the only person that could be my bestfriend sampai mati. So, my family, must accept her no matter what.
She have seen the bad and the good of me. But most the good kan?
Oh yeah, Millatina. Beware because you're stuck with a monster.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Paramore Live In Malaysia 2010
HAHA 19th Oct 2010, Paramore performed at Stadium Bukit Jalil, Malaysia. It was awesomee! First, I'm not that big fan of Paramore sangat. But tahulah lagu dorang. Pergi concert ni pun dapat ticket free. Apa lagi, rezeki takboleh ditolak. HAHA
As we entered the stadium, dapat duduk tepi :( Sedihnyaa. So kteorg pun macam "Ughh, bosannyaa." Duduk jelaa, tunggu Paramore perform. Yang sakit hatinya, Kak Kelly received a mms and terkeluar gambar Paan dgn Hayley Williams. OMG, rasa macam nak baling je bb tu. Sabar jelaa. Then, dalam pukul 8.45pm macam tu, Paramore datang naik kereta apa tah. HAHA PARAMORE LAMBAT!
Awalawal dorg perform lagu Ignorance. My fav! HAHA semua orang berdiri kat seat. Najwa dah siap terlompatlompat. My gosh sumpah best concert dorg. Tak rugi tak rugi. HAHA then kteorg dapat glowing stick for free. I took 3 haha. Suka ambil banyakbanyak. Sambil sambil layan Paramore, I called Milla. Bagi dia jealous. HAHA sekali dia angkat phone, habis kena maki hamun. But lastly, ended up dia pun nyanyi samasama.
Last song was Misery Business. Gempak beb! Semua hafal lagu dia. HAHA then Hayley Williams ajak sorg mamat ni naik pentas. Bangang! Semua angkat middle finger. *Including me* Jealous wooo. Dahlah Hayley pilih dia, pastu Hayley tangkap gambar dgn dia AND peluk dia. Yarabbi! Jealousnyaaa. Lepas tu, Hayley suruh mamat tu nyanyi lagu Misery Business. Nasib baik hafal and suara dia boleh diterima lah. HAHA papehal pun, syiokkk wehh! Tak rugi tak rugi.
Then after that, lepak Rasta. Makan makan sambil mata layu. HAHA slumberr!
3 days in a row
OLA amigos! *Is that even right?*
Okay, sebenarnya, Najwa nak story sikit ni haa. Since the last Saturday, I've been hanging out with two dearest person which is :
Gang baru ke? HAHA. Btw, tiga hari berturut-turut dgn orang yg sama. But sumpah tak muak. Hari hari jumpa, hari hari ada topic yg nak dibualkan. HAHA our mouth just wont shut! Heee.
Second day, 17 Oct 2010. K & I tibatiba teringin makan Nasi Lemak Ba Alif Ba Ya. Kenapa nama dia macam tu? Erkk, malas nak explain. Wan pun baru balik dari kerja, so like yeahh. Kami bertiga samasama lapar. Wan pun naik motor dari tempat kerja dia. ADOYAI, boleh sesat plakk. Naik angin kteorg. Nasib baik tambi kat situ buat kerja cepat. Hilang sikit stress. Dah makan makan semua, baliklah kami. Perut kenyang, hati senang, mata plak yg layu. Tidur ahh apa lagi kan?
Last day, 18 Oct 2010. Kami bertiga dah memang plan since first day lagi. Slumberrr. Sampai2 je Pyramid, terus belok pergi karok. Perghh, murah and dapat makan lunch. Baik punyaa. Dahlah makanan dia sedapp. Plus dgn desert dia. Two Thumbs Up wehh! Karok plak 4jam. Keluarkeluar je, tekak semua sakit. Then, apalagi, bolot Tutti Fruity! YAYY sedappp. After that, me and Wan makan Pizza Wrap. Sedapp oh yeah! Then semua baliklah! Malam tu, me, K and Dak Normah pergi LAGI Pyramid. *Sebab semua nak beli baju untk pakai to Paramore's concert. Najwa pun tuntut ah birthday present* xD
Whatever it is, the results is, I enjoyed everyday XD
Friday, October 15, 2010
Genting Highlands

14 October 2010 <3
Yesterday, me and my friends went to Genting. HAHA we had a lot of fun. At first, all I think was about how cold it would be up there. But as I arrived there, the cold didn't bother me at all. Why? It was because of the ride. WooHoo!
You guys, first time pergi Genting, darjah 2 tauu. Time tu tak cukup tinggi lagi. Annoying gila. Cuaca pun tak bagus. So like bosan laa. Now dah tinggi, dah cukup umur segala. Semua dibolot! HAHA puas hati naik ride yg duludulu takboleh. *Tapi ride budak kecik pun kteorg bolot gak*
After playing at the outdoor, kteorg pun masuk dalam. Main bowling plak. Heeee at first, macam ada harapan je nak dapat tempat pertama, but then all the sudden, Haziq dapat strike -,- HO SHOOT! Lemah semangat. HAHA tapi takpe. I wont mind because we came to have fun. Then, kteorg keluar balik and main outdoors balik. I loike! I was screamed and screamed sampai tekak sakit. Part paling best sekali was "LIKE OMGGGGG AAAAAAAAHHH!"
Yesterday also one of the most memorable day for Milla, kan Milla kan? Whatever it is, I had fun yesterday. I will always remember and keep in as a sweet memories after PMR. Thank You Milla, Haziq, Aliah, Hakimi & Liza. I love you guys so much :D
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