Aiya, school. Not a great word to be remind of. So lazy lah! I can't find my other tali kasut. Semua hilang! Can't I have home school? So I don't need the uniform, the tali kasut, the school bag, and most of all, the jalan kaki. -.-
Although I miss my classmate. But I'm sure by tomorrow, I'll be screaming and yelling in the classroom because I can sense the annoying-ness in the class. But firstly, remind me to wish my friends, Kam Cai Ting and Kamil a Happy Birthday. Feel so guilty for not wishing them. And I'm still envy of them for getting a great results, and I don't.
School, gonna meet the boring, annoying, perasan, syok sendiri teachers. Gahhh! Why? Why?! I don't want to wake up early. I don't want to iron my uniforms. I don't want to pack my bag. *Sigh* But I can't ignore those things.
Nyway, I found something but it's kinda blurry. *Kau ni Adzam, takpandai pakai camera lah!* But it's funny because we end up covered with flour all over our body and faces. HAHA good time. Good time.

We were Form 2. 2 Diamond. HAHA

I miss this moment. With Fiqri around me. Always there for me when I got problems. It's hard for me to find that kind of friend. But now, he's not with me. He's working his ass of at Banting to get 8A's. I miss you Fiqri. Goodluck buddy. :')
Well now, all I got to say is GOOD LUCK to all PMR Candidates. Let's force our ass and brain out and get that 8A's together! Forget bout hangouts, money, concerts, shopping, whatever lah! Like my mom would say :
"Work you ass out now, and when you got the good results, you can enjoy as hard as you can! It is even fun to enjoy yourselves if your bank account is full of money."