why worst? because in this week, NO RELAX for me. every morning i have to wake up on 8 am and start to ready myself to go to school. why so early u ask? because i have to do some work at KOPERASI SEKOLAH. but the best part is, i can meet my friends on sesi pagi. :D still, its very tired u know!yesterday, Friday, June 26, my school were having HARI KOPERASI. for god sake! in the same time i have to practice my acting ting. faham2 je laa. so i have to come to school so f*cking early! then, while recess. i have to jaga on the "air float" part where students crazily in love with it. like usual, i have to ask 2 things which i really hate.1. Nak air apa? Coke? Pepsi? Aiskrim soda?2. Aiskrim apa? Chocolate? Vanila? Strawberry? Blueberry? Keladi? Vanila with chocolate syrup?Acting. Ugh! The stress of fighting about parts and laughing while act is soooooo not cool. I come to school every 7 am and start practice BETULBETUL punya on 9 am. Stupid tak? Good thing today, Saturday, June 27, we did the act beautifully. It was very nervous. I was shake and hardly to control my laughs while my friends suddenly made a joke and everyone laughed. (sekali dengan juri)
Portfolio. F*ck up! I have to do History, Geography and something bout a camp trip I joined on the hols. Pulau Perhentian. My brain hurts crazily think about the perfect words and so whatever. Im just 14 doing these things!
Lastly, t-shirt design. As ahli koperasi, i cant join the competition. But seriously, im desperate to have cameras. *especially the nikon or canon. I need to win this to buy cameras. Please! Dont make me yell like one of the weird guy i met on the street. "Anakku! Anakku!" Orang Gila.